Bible Study Guide For All Ages takes children ages 3 through the 6th grade through the Bible at the same time studying some Old and New Testament each year completing the entire Bible in four years. Students will have an opportunity to learn the big picture of the Bible, study the Bible in depth, and be able to apply to their lives. I recently had an opportunity to use and review:
Beginner Student Pages
Beginner Time Line
Children's Songs CD Set
Intermediate Student Pages
Bible Book Summary Cards
The Student Pages guides the student and teacher through the learning experience. The Beginner Student Pages are for ages 3-K or 1st grade. The Student Pages are consumable, so you will need to purchase them for each child.
The Beginner Student Pages contain the following sections;
Learn the Basics-tells the teacher which time line page the teacher needs to go over with the student.
Sing and Remember-memory work drill, song that relates to the lesson being studied, long and short term review questions.
Get Active-activity to introduce the application concept to get children excited about what God will be teaching them.
My Bible-every 4 lessons instead of a Get Active section you will find a My Bible section that helps students learn the Bible, identify words, and understand the Old and New testaments.
Discover the Bible-this is the days Bible story/lesson. The teacher reads the story, starting with the Number one section, then allows the student to complete the activity for that section. Then the teacher moves on to number two and allows the student to complete the activity for that section, until the teacher has read the whole story and the student has completed all of the activities.
Apply It-The apply it section includes an application verse, coloring page, questions about the picture, questions relating the picture to the Bible lesson, questions relating the picture to the student's life, and an invitation to pray about what they have learned.
You can see a sample of the Beginner Pages by clicking here.
The target age for the Intermediate Student Pages is 3-4th grades, but it can be used with students a little below and a little above that age range. The Intermediate Student Pages contain the following sections:
Remember It-long term review section
Memory Workout-a variety of drills all teaching general Bible information.
Guess What-provides definition of words and historical information
Discover the Bible-This is the Bible story/lesson. Students read (or you can read for them) the section for #1 in the Bible and then they complete the corresponding activity. Then they move on to number 2 until they have read and completed all of the activities.
Time Line-Time Line Activities are included in every other lesson alternating with a map activity
Maps-a map activity is included in every other lesson alternating with a Time Line activity
Get Active-allows students to break away from their lesson and do something fun and active that relates to the lesson
Apply It-Students reread the application verse and apply it to a modern day situation.
You can see a sample of the Intermediate Student Pages by clicking here.
How long a lesson takes to complete will depend on whether or not you choose to complete every section, and how long it takes your child to finish their activities on the activity pages. Each set of student pages contains 26 lessons. The Bible is not studied in order, but instead contains sections from both the Old and New Testaments. Lessons 1-26 has 14 lessons on Joseph, 6 lessons from Daniel, and 6 lessons on Jesus. Student Pages cost $5.95 each.
The Beginner Time Line is used alongside the Beginner Student Pages. The Beginner Time Line has 34 full color 8.5x11 pictures on sturdy card stock that asks student one question about the picture, teaching them to remember major people and events in the Bible and the order in which they happen. You can purchase the Beginner Time Line for $24.95.
The Children's Songs CD set contains 90 Bible based a capella songs.All of the songs listed in the Bible Study Guide For All Ages curriculum are on the CD. These songs are great for memory work, or as a listening CD for children. You can see the complete list of included songs here. You can purchase the Children's Songs CD set for $19.95.
The Bible Book Summary Cards are large flashcards that help children learn the 66 books of the Bible. The front side has pictures that represent the main idea of the book of the Bible. The back side has a short description for the teacher that explains the picture and questions the teacher can ask the student. The Bible Book Summary cards come in two different sizes. You can buy either the 8.5x11 full color cards or 11x14 posters that are black and white and can be colored for $24.95.
You can see a sample here.
I have been using Bible Study Guide For All Ages with my 4,6, and 8 year olds. We have been working on it 2 days per week completing one lesson per day. Our lessons usually take around 30-40 minutes, but Lily likes to spend more time coloring then the boys do, so she goes back and colors more detail after we finish the lesson.
I was very interested in having an opportunity to review Bible Study Guide For All Ages because I was looking for a Bible curriculum I could use with a wide range of ages. With this curriculum you can have all of your children ages 3-6th grade all learning the same Bible lesson with age appropriate activities. My three children that have been using the program have really enjoyed it. They have enjoyed the Bible lesson and the activity sheets. They like the Children Songs CD. The Bible Book Summary Cards and the Beginner Time Line Cards are fantastic! I love the color and the quality of them, and it really helps the children learn the Bible and the books of the Bible.
One of the challenges is that even though you are learning the same Bible story, the lesson are set up differently. I chose to have my 8 year old do the Intermediate pages because I thought he was too advanced to do the Beginner pages, and although there is a Primary Level in between, it does not match up well with the other levels. But, because we are doing two different levels, it was a little difficult to get a good flow to our lessons. I floundered a bit in the beginning because I felt like I was going back and forth between the two instead of feeling like we did the lesson together. But, we figured out a flow that worked well for us by starting with the Learn the Basics and Sing and Remember activities from the Beginner pages and having Anthony do those with us, then doing the Memory Workout from the Intermediate Pages and have the younger two work on that with us, then moving on to the Discover the Bible section and all doing that together with me reading the Bible Story and telling the younger children their instructions and then giving Anthony his instructions. After we finish that, I read the Apply it section for the younger two and they can color their sheet while Anthony and I go back and do his Remember It question, Guess What, Time Line or Map. I really love Bible Study Guide For All Ages, but I do wish that all of the Student Pages had the same format for the entire lesson not just the Bible story, and changed the difficulty of the activity according to age.
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