Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's A Girl!

What a day! It sure was an exciting one! Art took a half day of work so we could load up the children and go to the doctor to have our ultrasound. After driving over an hour to get there, they informed me that they had me down for yesterday. The lady that did my appointment scheduling over the phone made a mistake and out me down for the wrong day. So, they squeezed me in for the ultrasound and to see the Nurse Practitioner since my doctor wasn't there. we got into the ultrasound room when the tech had to step out for a minute. 30 minutes later she finally returned. I must say how good the children were even though they had to sit quietly in room without even a window to look out of or one book or magazine for all that time. Then they had to sit through the 30 minute ultrasound. The baby looks great! All of her parts are present and functioning the way they should. She is measuring a little small right now but I am sure she will catch up later on. The children are very excited that we are going to have a sister! The tech felt bad that we had to wait so after she took all of the pictures for the doctor, she switched to a 3D ultrasound and got this picture of her face and made me a DVD. Isn't that sweet? I told her it was no problem to wait. It was a great lesson to work on our patience (adults and children included.) I had never had a 3D ultrasound before and it was pretty interesting (the children thought she looked like a skeleton.) In the picture the baby s opening her mouth and bringing her hand up to it, and you can see her eyes, nose, and ear pretty clearly also. After the ultrasound I had my weight and blood pressure checked. I did gain two pounds making my total weight gain 5.5 pounds so far. With the holidays coming up I am sure I will make up for that later on. After being at the doctor for a total of 2 hours, we went to Pizza Hut for supper and then to Lowes to get some things for the house. The children and I were too tired for Walmart so that will have to wait for another day. We did get to eat a chocolate bar on the way home because everyone was so well behaved all day. Now they are all in bed and I am heading there myself.


Lorus! said...

Congratulations! And how interesting to see the 3D ultrasound.
It sounds like your children did very well with so much waiting - that chocolate was well deserved!

i cant decide said...

Baby girls are so sweet! Congrats!