Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 11

This week we finished up our soccer season!  Yay!  That may not be directly related to our homeschool day, but any time you have to be out of the house on a regular basis, it does effect the rest of your day.  We enjoy soccer season a lot, but by the end, I am so ready to be done and stay home in the evenings.

As far as our school week went, we finished our read aloud we were working on, Sign Of the Beaver.  Our next read aloud is Amos Fortune, Free Man.  Now that we should be at home to be getting the children into bed on time again, we will go back to reading before bed as well.  We are in the middle of Badge of Honor by Susan K. Marlow and need to get it finished.

In Math we are progressing as scheduled.  Nick hit a little stumbling block while learning how to multiply decimals, but after a few days it began to click.  I have to put a plug in for how good Math U See's customer service is.  I emailed them with a question and got a very courteous response and answer within the hour! Gotta love good customer service!

Nick and Alex finished their final copies of their stories based on the Boy Who Cried Wolf.  I was VERY, VERY impressed with their stories.  Have I mentioned lately how much I love IEW??

We took a break on spelling this week.  Not really a break, we still did spelling, but instead of going on to the next lesson, we did a whole week of review and reread some stories that we have already done.  In History we read about some of the events leading up to the Revolutionary War and Ben Franklin.  We studied about Ben Franklin over the summer when we reviewed Moving Beyond the Page, and I was very impressed with how much the boys remembered about him.  In Science we completed our notebooking pages for lesson two of Exploring Chemistry and Physics.

Alex has been learning French over the last few weeks with a product we are reviewing called French Essentials.  I have no back ground at all in French (unless you count the numbers we learned as children watching Sesame Street), and this is the first time we have used a French program in our homeschool.  We have used several Spanish and Latin programs, but never French.  Alex has been asking me for awhile if we could learn French, so I was happy to have the opportunity.  So far it is going very well and I have been very impressed with the lessons. I will be writing a complete review in a few weeks.

Thursday we were supposed to be going to a show at the Perot Theatre as a friend of mine had some tickets that she couldn't use and offered them to us.  But, Anthony woke up with a headache and a stomachache, so we decided it would be better to stay at home.  Nick and Alex were sad to miss it, but I didn't want to take a chance that he would be really sick.  It ended up that he just has a head cold, but better safe than sorry.

Actually, several of us are having upper respiratory issues this week.  I thought it was just allergies at first or changing weather, but it seems to be going through all of us.  We have been taking it easy since Friday, and have been laying around watching movies.  We even stayed home from church today, because I didn't want to pass this cold on to any of the little ones in the nursery.  But we are getting better, although the cough seems to be lingering on.

I hope you had a great week in your homeschool!

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