Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, May 9, 2015

4 H Bicyles, Bait Casting, BB Shooting (B Day)

Every year in the spring our county has a competition known as BDay which stands for BB Shooting (gun safety), Bicycles, and Bait Casting.  Children ages 5 and up and can participate in one or more activity.  Ribbons are awarded at the county level and first place winners in the junior and senior age groups are able to go on to the district competition to compete in June.

The bicycle competition has the children ride a short course.  This year they had to ride between the cones in a straight line.  They loose point for knocking over cones, excessive breaking, or putting their feet down.  Christian, Anthony, Alex, and Lily participated in this activity.  Lily still has training wheels on her bicycle and could not fir between the cones so they had her ride in a straight line beside the cones.

BB Shooting requires the children to take a gun safety test.  You can read the test aloud to younger children.  Then they shoot at a target.  They get one practice shot and three shots that count.  Nick, Alex, and Christian participated in this activity.

Bait Casting has a fish ID and fish anatomy test.  You can read the test to younger children.  They get one practice cast and three that count.  There is a marked off area they aim for and point are awarded depending on where it lands.  Lily, Nick, Alex, and Christian participated in this activity.

Emmie kept herself busy.

They all had a lot of fun at B Day!  Lily got a 2nd and 3rd place ribbon, Christian got three 1st place ribbons, Anthony got a 3rd place ribbon, Alex got one 2nd place, one 3rd place, and one  participation, and Nick got 3rd place and participation.

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