With the holiday we only had 3 days of school this week. I am trying to get finished up with a few things this week because next week we will not be doing any school at all because it will be VBS week. The week after that, there is a 4 H competition and Alex goes to cap so we will be having a short week. Lily has a few more units left in MFW and after this week other than her finishing up that we will only be working on reviews. While I still will be blogging about what we are up to, I will stop my end my school year next week and start counting next year in August.
Week 36 in Our Homeschool
Bible: We finished Lesson 8 of our study on Moses and started Lesson 9. I am reading two lessons per day so we can get finished with this next week. We also finished reading One Great Purpose.
History: We completed Lessons 7, 8, and 9 in Famous Men of Rome. Next week we will just be reading and not doing the workbook assignments so we can get this finished up. I don't always finish every product we review, but I really like this study and want to finish up the text at least before we move on to something else!
Science: We completed the last part of our Weather on the Move study on severe weather. We are still reading The Long Winter (it is a LONG book!) but will finish it next week. We watched The Wizard of Oz for our Friday night pizza and a movie.
We also watched a documentary on Nature's Miniatures.
We have been watching hummingbirds all week. We put two hummingbird feeders in a little tree in our yard and so many hummingbirds have been coming to feed at them! They have been hard to photograph, but I did get one and Art took a good video. It has been very exciting to watch. Our homemade feeder got damaged during one of the rain storms along with our homemade bird bath, but we are going to try and make some more this week.
Art/Music: I really wanted to do an art project this week but just didn't get to it. Alex is still working on the music from Lesson 4 of Drums With Willie.
Grammar/Literature/Writing: We did Lesson 4 of Fix It! 1 and 2 this week. Anthony made a key word outline of Pill bugs for SWI A. Nick is still working through the intro lessons of Dynamic Literacy and he started working on a review of Cursive Logic. Christian, Anthony, and I finished The Wheel on the School! It was a great book, but it seemed to take forever to read!
Reading/Spelling: Christian and Anthony finished Lesson 21 of All About Reading Level 2 and Alex finished steps 5 and 6 of All About Spelling Level 5.
Math: Christian, Anthony, and Alex are all using CTC Math for a review. They are completing one lesson per day.
My Father's World Creation From A to Z
This week Lily's lesson was on Fox, the sound of "x" , and the Bible lesson was "God's Word Makes Me Wiser Than My Enemies." Since it was a short week we did not do every activity. She completed her picture card page, handwriting page, sound discrimination page, math page, cut and paste page, and blend ladder page. She also made a fox badge and animal habitat craft. We read The Fox and the Grapes.
I found Emmie painting this picture on Wednesday. She was painting a caterpillar and doing an orange/brown pattern. She was concentrating so hard. It was adorable! She gave it to her daddy for his birthday.
Other Activities This Week:
Well it was an usually not busy week! We had lots of rain and archery was cancelled again. Wednesday we did go into town to meet daddy for lunch since it was his birthday. Friday we did errands and grocery shopping, but we had no other outside activities this week : )
I hope you had a great week in your homeschool!
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