I have never used a formal Bible Study Curriculum with my children before. We were recently given an opportunity to use and review Positive Action for Christ's 1st Grade Bible Curriculum, Enjoying God's Gifts. They carry Bible Curriculum from Kindergarten all the way to adult. Included with our review materials was:
Teacher's Manual and Binder- includes teaching strategies, background information, quizzes and tests ( for Grades 2-6) and other supplemental material $33.95
Full Color Student's Manual with activities, lessons, and age appropriate Bible study questions $12.95 (discounted to $10.95 if you purchase 5 or more)
Optional add ons to the program are:
Teacher's Manual on CD $19.95
Hymn and Chorus CD #1 $9.95
Sing and Be Happy Chorus Book (grades 1-6) $15.95
Hymn Histories (grades 1-6) $35.00
The mission of Positive Action For Christ is to help other believers magnify the majesty of God through curricula that encourages a knowledge of Him and His Word. "If we train our children to have Bible knowledge without instilling a true passion and love for the Lord in their hearts, we have failed." Through their curriculum, Positive Action for Christ desires to have students find knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in the word of God for themselves beginning at a very young age.
I have been using this curriculum for our Bible Time with all of the boys (9,7,5,3) with Lily (1) listening in too. There are many things we love about this curriculum. First of all, the box that it all arrived in was packaged better than anything I have ever seen. To me, that started it off showing how much pride they have in their product and they want to ensure it arrives to the customer in excellent condition. Even though it is written with a group setting in mind, it can easily be adapted to your homeschool with a variety of ages and includes a teaching schedule for 5,4,or 3 days a week. There is no "dumbing down" or "watering down" in this curriculum. It is not using Bible stories, but instead coming straight from the scriptures with very age appropriate activities, questions, and discussions. It does not promote just scripture memorization but also teaches the vocabulary words needed to understand the Scriptures. The children love doing the activities that are in the workbook. Each lesson also includes Character Trait Lessons and Activities to teach the deeper heart issues that go along with the Scripture they are learning and to help allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. We have had our best and most thoughtful Bible discussions since we hace started using this curriculum and it's been wonderful to see their knowledge growing.
There are two things I would change about the program to make it work better for me. I would like to see a workbook page where the child writes the memory verse out. I know that it is easy enough to do on your own, but if it were included in the workbook it wouldn't seem like extra work to the child and would help in memorizing the verses. In the Teacher's Manual the Teaching Strategy is listed after the Bible Story so often I am in the middle of the lesson before I realize I never read it or have forgotten something I wanted to do with it. I wish this would be at the very beginning of the lesson so it would be the first thing the "teacher" reads.
To see what other crew members are saying about Enjoying God's Gifts and other products from Positive Action For Christ click here.
I received a complimentary 1st Grade Teacher's Manual and Student workbook for the purpose of writing a fair and honest review. I received no other compensation.

1 comment:
Hello Lisa! I have taken a few moments very now and then to "drop in on you" (your blog) and see how all of you are doing! It looks like your family is really growing and you are a busy Mom indeed! And now to hear of another little girl(?) expected in March! Congratulations! I think you are finally pulling up the female side of the family now that all the girls will have several older brothers to look out for them. Glad to see that you are all doing well. God bless you and your precious family! Janet Langford
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