Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pictures of Our Week

I have not posted very many pictures of the children lately.I meant to get this up Friday and do a weekly wrap up, but I just never got the time. This week is very busy too with several activities that we have going on. Even now, I am nursing Emelia and typing left handed so it takes a bit longer and I make a few more typos. I can't believe it is already April and our school year is winding down. The boys will be finished with their History and Science this week so I will find something new we can do until our school year finishes up in May. So, on to the pictures.

Alex working on Reading Kingdom and Lily with the toy laptop because she needed to do her schoolwork too!Nick working on Big IQ Kids while Christian "reads" through one of our books that I am reading aloud that he enjoys (review coming soon.)

Chelsea keeping Emelia occupied while I made supper.

Anthony watching Nick and Alex play chess during "recess."

Emelia is so happy that she figured out how to suck her thumb!

1 comment:

Karrie said...

I love thumb babies! No getting up in the night to find a paci!