Even though Christian is 1 year old, he still wakes up every night at about 2:00 AM to be nursed. Many people would say this is unnecessary, that he should be sleeping through the night, but it doesn't bother me in the least. I just grab my extra pillow, lay on my back, settle him in to nurse and we both go back to sleep. A little while later I wake up and put him back in his crib.
This morning at 2:00 AM, it was a little different. Even though I was half asleep, I knew something wasn't quite right. Christian's cry sounded pitiful and at first I thought that the two new teeth that were coming in was bothering him. I went to pick him up and he was warm, too warm. I fumbled my way into the bathroom and located the thermometer and the
Tylenol. I settled him to my breast and took his temperature under his arm and sure enough it was 102 degrees. I gave him some
Tylenol and took him downstairs to rock him and by 3:00 his
fever had broken and he was back to sleep. He slept on and off until about 7:00 AM.
What is it? Babies can't tell you what hurts. Teething can cause low grade temperatures, but not 102 degrees. He has been pulling on his ears and is very cranky and does not want to lay down. He did have a double ear infection two weeks ago, so I think that the antibiotics were not strong enough to cure it and I made a doctor's appointment for this afternoon.
Then to add to the confusion Anthony (2) started running a temp of 101 degrees. he has not been sick in a long time. Now I am wondering, have they caught a virus, is it ready to run rampant through my household? Or do I just have 2 sick kids at the same time with two different problems? Hopefully the doctor can tell me.