Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 10

My children ended up with a morning off this week.  Monday night I had a bit of a sore throat and then woke up Tuesday with laryngitis.  I could barely talk at all.  I do a lot of reading in our morning school work, so we just skipped it.  We needed groceries badly so instead of morning school work we headed to Walmart and spent a small fortune.  We used our first Pizza Hut Book It coupons and grabbed some pizza on our way home.  We did stumble through our afternoon school work, they just had to listen to my whispering.  Tuesday night Christian had a sore throat and started running a fever so he ended up with a day off Wednesday, although he did listen in when I was reading aloud.

Week 10 In Our Homeschool

P.E.: We did lessons 40-42 in Family Time Fitness.

Bible: We finished lesson 5 of Grapevine Old Testament One.

Read Aloud: We started reading Brother Andrew God's Secret Agent from YWAM Christian Heroes Then and Now series.

History: Nick and Alex completed Lessons 22,23, and 24 of The Mystery of History Vol IV on Brazil, The Trail of Tears, and George Muller.  The boys thought we could skip the chapter on George Muller since we just finished a book about him, but I read it anyway.  It never hurts to review :).  We added the figures to our timeline, completed the worksheets, and did the mapping assignment.

Science: We started reading Chapter 5 in Exploring Creation With Anatomy and Physiology on Nutrition.

My Father's World Adventures: We are continued in our reading of  The Courage of Sarah Noble.  In History we learned about the Great Lakes and the settlement at Detroit.  For science we were supposed to make playdough and bread.  But we have made playdough a million times and just did bread the week before so we skipped those activities.

Math: Lesson 9 of Math U See Alpha, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Algebra 1 completed.

Grammar/Literature/Writing/Handwriting: For our PAL writing lesson Anthony and Christian completed the story sequence chart for the Ant and the Chrysalis.  They worked on daily copywork from their PenTime copybooks and I finally ordered one for Lily.  In grammar we completed lesson 14 of Fix It! 1 and 2.  Alex finally finished the Progeny Press guide for Stone Fox and I am not sure what he is doing next.  Nick is working on reading War of the Worlds.

Spelling/Reading: Alex completed Lesson 8 of the Phonetic Zoo.  Christian and Anthony complete the word list for step 4 of AAS.  In AAR Level 3 they finished lessons 2,3, and 4.  Lily completed lessons 18,19,20,21, and 22 in AAR Level One.  She finished the first volume of the readers, Run Bug Run and has started reading those stories to Emmie.

Horizon's Preschool: Emmie has completed up to lesson 42 in Horizon's Preschool.  She actually asked for some worksheets to do yesterday when it was raining.  School on Saturday? Why not!

Other Activities This Week:

Monday the girls had gymnastics.

Wednesday Christian could not go to Kids Club because he was not feeling well.  Since he couldn't go, I couldn't go either.  Lily, Emmie, Nick and Alex wanted to go, so we drove them into town and their daddy picked them up and brought them home.  I had an extra hour or so that I don't usually have so I cleaned out the downstairs closet.  Exciting I know!!

Friday we met some friends at the park.  It was so nice to be able to go and sit and chat with my friend! We used to go every Friday but have not been able to do that for awhile.

After that we had archery.

This little frog provided a lot of entertainment at archery.

And we stopped at Sonic for Happy Hour Slushies.

This weekend was the youth hunt.  Art took Alex out but he did not get a deer.

Here he was the first time he ever went hunting.

He's grown a bit since then!!!

Christian found this gecko one day this week and they had some fun observing him before we let him go.

Miss Emmie couldn't decide whether to sleep in her bed or Lily's one night (they usually sleep in the same bed and take turns whose bed they sleep in) and that silly girl fell asleep on the floor!

I hope you had a great week in your homeschool!

1 comment:

Aflyonmyhomeschoolwall said...

How lovely that you got to visit/chat with a fellow mom. I miss that. I'm hoping that luxury comes back to me in the next year or so. :)