Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The No TV Experiment

Have you noticed that there are very few family friendly television shows on anymore? What's worse is that when you find something that is family friendly the commercials are not. I am very careful about what my family watches on TV and how much time they spend watching it. Out of the hundred channels that we pay for every month, we watch only a handful. They watch Discovery Kids or Playhouse Disney when they wake up until 9:00, Anthony gets to watch a show on Nick Jr before he takes a nap, and we usually watch HGTV, Extreme Makeover Home Edition (we mute the commercials), or The History Channel for an hour in the evening (unless it is football or hockey season.) Since our DirecTV bill went up again we decided we would put our TV on vacation for a month for a test to see if we could eliminate this bill altogether. We are still watching a movie (or part of one if it is too long ) in the morning, and Blue Clues or Dora (video tape) before nap time and nothing in the evening (unless it is Friday Night Movie Night.) It has been two weeks and we haven't missed it at all, so I think the experiment has been a success and we will be cancelling on DirecTV soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad the experiment is going well. I so agree with you...dh and I talk all the time about how there are no family-type shows on anymore. We only watch a select few channels as well, but get our internet through the cable so we keep paying the bill lol.