Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Team Work

I love watching my boys work out in the yard with their daddy.  I love that he takes the time to show them how to fix things.  I love to see them all working together!  The girls don't have as much interest as the boys (and that's ok) but sometimes they do join in or watch what the boys are up to.  Art got out in the yard on last Sunday and Monday to take care of  a few things that have been neglected because it has been too hot to stay outside very long.  One of the things that had to be taken care of was a broken picnic table.  So, the boys wanted to help him.  Instead of throwing it away  or burning it (we are under a burn ban and can't burn anyway) they took it apart and are going to use the wood that was still good to build a hutch for our rabbit.

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