Week 7 in Our Homeschool
Bible: We finished Vol 5 of Answers For Kids.
Read Aloud: We read 3 chapters in Forensic Faith For Kids.
History: We completed lesson 11 in America's Story on America at War Part One.
Science: We finished reading Chapter 7 in Apologia's Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy on the respiratory system. The children completed copywork and vocabulary notebooking pages. We have a few things left to do to complete the chapter.
Spelling/Reading: In AAS Level 5 the boys finished Step 22. In AAR Level 2 Emmie completed lessons 4 and 5.
Language Arts: Anthony and Christian watched the week 3 video for SWI A, but did not write the paragraph. Emmie completed 2 lessons in Language Lessons for a Living Education 2 and Lily completed 2 lessons in Hake/Saxon Grammar.
Math: 2 lessons in Math Lessons for a Living Education were completed by Christian, Lily, Emmue, and Anthony.
Other Activities This Week:
Tuesday gymnastics and soccer were cancelled. Which ended up being a good thing so I had more time to get things ready to go!
Wednesday we had to load everything up to get go to the fair. Then I went to church with Emmie, Lily, Anthony, and Nick for Kid's Club while Art took Alex and Christian to the fair grounds.
Last week it was over 100 degrees on Wednesday. This week it didn't get above 70. We got a lot of rain early in the week and Hope got a ton of rain right before the animals started arriving at the fair. And when I got up Thursday morning it was 58 and raining. It stayed dreary and not very warm until Saturday. There was mud everywhere!!
After Kid's Club ended the rest if us headed to the fair grounds,made sure the goats were settled down for the night and got settled down ourselves.
Thursday morning after taking care of goats we went to see how the children's exhibits did. At our county fair every exhibit entered earns a ribbon but not at the District Fair. Lily, Emmie, Christian, Nick and Alex entered 3 or 4 things (we did not send any of the LEGO sets.) Christian won 3rd on his bat house and his bird photo. Alex won 2nd on his string art and Nick won 2nd on his Star Wars puzzle.
We watched the pig show for a little while and headed back to the camper for lunch. After lunch the girls and I went home to take care of animals there. Then Lily had piano and Emmie had dance and we headed back to the fair to bath and touch up goat hair cuts for the show the next day.
Friday morning was the goat and sheep show. Alex won 3rd in his class and Christian won 5th in his.
That night we went to the rodeo.
Saturday morning was the rabbit show. Lily won 3rd with the mini lop. Nick won 2nd with both of his mini rex's.
I was very glad to see the sun Saturday! We walked over to the playground with Lily, Christian, and Emmie to play in the afternoon.
At the fair there was an outside circus that did a free 30 minute show twice each night. We saw the show three times.
We also went to the pig races.
I was really glad we took the camper. It was very nice to be able to go back and eat lunch and relax in the afternoon especially since it wasn't very warm and so wet and we didn't have to get up even earlier. We had a lot of late nights and I could leave the children that didn't need to get up sleeping in the camper with one of the older boys. I under estimated the amount of food we would need though and did have to run to the store on Friday when we ran out of everything!
We had a good time and it was a good experience for the children. I am tired today though and have a ton of laundry. We will have to tackle grocery shopping tomorrow before we get busy this week. A minor illness has been running through the family. So far all the men have come down with sore throats and runny noses. Maybe the ladies will be spared.
I hope you had a great week!
Happy Homeschooling!