A fever, cold weather, an almost snow day, and a broken toe. That about sums up my week.
Monday was Martin Luther King Day, so the public school was off, but we did have school. In the morning after the children completed their morning chores and we started our lessons, I looked over at Anthony and he looked awful. When he feels bad he will never say so, but it shows in his face. I asked him if he felt ok and he said yes he was fine. A little while later I asked him again and he said nothing hurt and he felt fine. I grabbed the thermometer and his temp was 101.5. He said maybe his head hurt a little. That ended Anthony's school day. He didn't start feeling back to normal until Thursday.
Monday night they were forecasting some bad weather. In the south, any amount of snow shuts everything down, and it really is better that way. It started sleeting around 8:00 Monday night and they closed the public schools for Tuesday. We did get a bit of snow, but not as much at our house as the people in town got. It was pretty disappointing for the children who have been hoping for snow, but they did try to sled anyway. With the schools closed, it also meant no gymnastics or youth that night. We did have school (except for Anthony.)
The birds were not excited about the snow.
Goats didn't seem to mind it.
Wednesday the public schools had a 2 hour delay, but since Nick doesn't go until the end of the day it didn't affect us.
Thursday morning Nick had an eye doctor appointment. He wore glasses for two years when he was around 7 and has started having trouble with headaches and blurry vision when he reads. They said his vision is fine and that they believe the issue will resolve itself. I hope so. When we got home, the children went out to take care of the animals and get a little fresh air. I could hear them playing outside the room where I was sitting and all of a sudden I heard Emmie scream and come running. She was crying so hard I couldn't tell what she was saying except that something fell on her foot. I called one of the boys to grab a washcloth and ice pack while I pulled off her boot and tried to calm her down. Long story short the children had popped a large block of sand and ice out of the sandbox and were trying to roll it into the shade so it would melt slower. It was 6 inches thick and very heavy. It was braced on Christian's leg and fell right on to Emmie's big toe. That ended our school day before it began. We ended up at the hospital for X-rays. It is broken. The poor toe is very swollen and bruised. They said around 4 weeks to heal but since she is young her bones should heal pretty quickly. She is very worried that she will not be able to start ballet. She has to wear slippers because we cannot get a shoe on her foot.

We did get some school work accomplished this week, even though it wasn't everything I had planned!
Bible: We read through 4 lessons in Know Who You Are Live Like it Matters.
P.E.: We did not do P.E. this week. In cold weather animal chores take longer and we just did not have time to fit it in.
Poetry: We are memorizing Shoes by Louis Untermeyer.
Read Aloud: We did not start a new daytime chapter book this week.
Geography: This week our geography study was on South Africa. I really cannot say enough good things about Let's Go Geography. This is the first year I have enjoyed studying geography this way.
History: We read 2 chapters in America's Story, one on the Louisiana Purchase and the other on Louis and Clark. We also watched an episode of Drive Thru History.
Science: We completed lesson 17 on Georges Louis Leclere.
We also froze bubbles.
Nature Study: For this week's themed activity geared towards Emmie, we read Owl Moon. We listened to some different types of owl calls. I had some other things planned to go along with this on Thursday, but we didn't get there...
Art: We did the art activity to go along with our geography lesson, An African Big Cat.
Math: Christian is working through his multiplication book from Math Mammoth. Lily and Emmie did 3 lessons in MLFLE.
Language Arts: Lily completed 3 Daily Grammar lessons. Christian and Anthony do language arts together so they did not complete any lessons this week.
Spelling/Reading: The boys started Step 26 of AAS Level 4. Emmie completed lessons 32 and 33 of AAR Level and Lily completed lessons 16 and 17 of AAR Level 4.
Other Activities this Week:
Kid's Club on Wednesday was the only activity we had this week. We did not make it to piano lessons on Thursday.
During the cold weather Christian and Lily played a lot of LEGO.
They did some excavating outside during the warmer weather.
Emmie visited Marshmallow. She said she must've missed her.
I hope you had a great week!
Happy Homeschooling!