This was the first week of this school year that we were up to our full schedule. We did pretty good! We did not get everything done I wanted to. We did not do was P.E. (I need to get that in next week!), art, and Latin, but we still got a lot accomplished!
Week 4 In Our Homeschool
Bible: We are still working on The Books of Moses Part 1. We completed weeks 4 and 5.
Read Aloud: We read 4 chapters in our book on George Muller. We will finish that next week and pick a new one to read.
History: We completed lessons 4,5, and 6 in Mystery of History Vol IV on The Seven Years War, The Great Awakening, and Benjamin Franklin. They did the corresponding worksheets, made the memory cards, and did the timeline figures. We did not do the map because oddly enough my Companion Cd with the activities on it skips from the beginning of Lesson 2 to Lesson 4 and I could not see the assignment!
Science: Nick and Alex are using Apologia Exploring Creation With Anatomy and Physiology. We finished reading Chapter 1. We will not be making the edible cell because we have done it before.
My Father's World Adventures: Christian, Lily, and Anthony are using My Father's World Adventures. We are only completing the history and science. This week we completed week one. We did a map of the US, a map of the world, learned about Leif Erikson, and did a floating egg science experiment (we have done this one before but Lily had not.)
Math: We completed Lesson 3 in Alpha, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Algebra 1.
Grammar/Literature: We completed lesson 8 in Fix It! Grammar 1 and 2. Nick is reading Puddin'head Wilson and Alex is working through a Progeny Press study guide on the book Stone Fox.
Writing: I am reviewing Writing Through Early Modern History Level One from Brookdale House. I have Lily, Christian, and Anthony working on this review. We read a story called Briar Rose and they completed the copywork.
Reading/Spelling: Alex did lesson 2 of Phonetic Zoo. Anthony and Christian completed Lessons 40 and 41 of All About Reading Level 2. Lily completed Lesson 3 of All About Reading Lesson 1.
Language: Anthony completed 2 lessons in Middlebury Interactive Elementary Spanish.
Horizon's Preschool: Emmie did two preschool lessons this week.
Other Activities This Week:
Monday: Lily and Emmie had gymnastics on Monday.
she did her own hair! |
And Christian had a soccer game.
Tuesday: Nick and Alex had a soccer game.
Wednesday: We stayed home from Kid's Club. Maybe we will get there next week.
Thursday: Nick, Alex, and Christian all had soccer games.
Friday: Pizza and a movie with the new Cinderella.
The children are trying to soak up the last of summer and went swimming every day this week.
They also got the go-cart fixed (thank you daddy!) and had a great time riding it!
I hope you had a great week in your homeschool!