REAL Homeschool Spanish is for grades 5-13 and was made specifically for the home educator and home learning environment. The program makes it possible for you and your child to learn Spanish together in fun and interesting ways not just during the lesson but throughout your week. Tips to the Home Educator is full of ideas to help you accomplish this and is included in each section. Each unit is made up of vocabulary clusters. There are 33 vocabulary clusters and 15 Idea Sections each with 3-4 activity sections along with audio files of native speakers from Mexico using the vocabulary. A Daily Curriculum Guide with lesson plans is also available. You can view the Table of Contents by clicking here. There are also Free Culture Links are also available on the website.
You can purchase REAL Homeschool Spanish as a download or hard copy.
Book Bundle Download including book, activity book, answer book and audio files is $49.95
All of the above as a download plus the Daily Curriculum Guide is $59.95
The Book Bundle as a hard copy (book plus 2 cd's including activity book, answer key and audio files) is $89.95 (free shipping U.S. only).
The Book Bundle Hard Copy plus Curriculum Guide is $99.95 (free shipping U.S. only).
To order to click here.
Even if you had zero experience in teaching a language and knew nothing at all about Spanish, you could teach your children (and yourself) with this curriculum. I like that it does not have a heavy emphasis on grammar but is more focused on teaching through real life every day situations and conversations. There is a wealth of activities and ideas to choose from for each unit so you ca pick and choose your activities based on what your child likes best. The audio files are included which is especially helpful if you are unsure about pronunciation. We are not on big on worksheets, but I thought the worksheets that went along with the lessons were fun and helped reinforce the lesson. We decided to work on them as a family and my boys actually argued over who was going to fill them out!
One thing I did want to mention is that it is very confusing to try and use this program without having the pages printed out. I started out trying to save some money on ink and only print out the activity sheets, but it didn't make much since to me until I had it all printed out and in front of me. You will have to consider the added cost of printing the curriculum out. Also, I wanted to remind you if you didn't see it mentioned up above, that this curriculum uses Spanish spoken from Central and South America, not Spain like most Spanish curriculum I have seen.
To see what other crew members had to say click here.
I received a complimentary download of REAL Homeschool Spanish for the purpose of writing a fair and honest review. I received no other compensation.