Our Family
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Too Quiet Around Here
Monday, November 29, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

This week I am minus 4 children. They stayed at my parents house to visit for the week. It has been a long time since I have only cooked for 4. I made my grocery list Sunday morning while working in the church nursery so it does not have a whole lot of inspiration this week. I did find a lot of meat on sale at Walmart so I bought some things ahead for next week, plus my DH got a deer Saturday morning, and we got our annual free turkey from the company he works for so I hopefully will be saving some moneyon groceries over the next couple of weeks.
Fri 11/26-pizza
Sat 11/27/ spaghetti
Sun 11/28- chicken noodle soup
Mon 11/29- ham steaks, mashed potatoes, green beans
Tues 11/30- sloppy joes and french fries
Wed 12/1- pork chops, noodles, corn
Thurs 12/2- leftovers
To add some inspiration to your weekly menu, go to http://www.orgjunkie.com/.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
24 Week Pregnancy Update
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Being Thankful
Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:20
In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday and as a reminder off all I have to be Thankful about, here is my short list of things I have to be Thankful (and not in any particular order.)
1.The Lord for creating the universe and everything in it and for sending His Son to die for us that we may be with Him forever in Heaven.
2. My wonderful husband who is such a good husband and father and works so hard to support his family.
3. My 6 precious children and the one we are expecting in 16 more weeks.
4. My wonderful family and friends.
5. My church and the freedom to worship.
6. Our country and all of the other freedoms we have living here.
7. the men and women who are serving our country even as I pray for the day when they don't have to.
8. Every moment that I get to spend at home with my children.
9. My children do not have to go hungry, clean water, and have a warm place to sleep at night.
10. When the children are sick I can take them to the doctor.
11.Running water, flushed toilets, disposable diapers, a washer, dryer, and dishwasher.
12. Chocolate
13. Every sweet hug and kiss
14. Our health
15. Our home
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Favorite Recipes: Baked Ziti
2 cans spag sauce
1 can undrained diced tomatoes
6 oz cream cheese cubed
1 8 oz pkg shredded mozzarella
Cook pasta as directed on box. Cook sauce over medium heat until warm add cream cheese and tomatoes. Stir until smooth. Mix pasta with sauce mixture. Pour half in a 13x9 baking dish sprinkling half the mozzarella cheese over top. add other half of pasta and cheese. Bake at 375 for 15 minutes or until heated through.
Walmart Announces it Will Price Match Black Friday
You have to have a copy of the competitors ad with you.
A competitor you are matching must be in a 50 mile radius.
They will not honor internet pricing, BOGO, or percentages off.
They will not honor gift card deals (ex. Target is offering a $10 gift card BF for every $100 you spend. You can't "price match" that deal.)
Whenever the sale prices are good on the ad is when you can price match. (If Toys R Us has X on sale from 10 pm to 5 am those are the only times those prices will be good at Walmart too.)
Happy Shopping!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

It's a short week this week because of Thanksgiving and I don't have to cook! Here's what's cooking up at my house this week.
Friday 11/19- pizza
Sat 11/20- chicken enchilada casserole
Sun 11/21- spaghetti
Mon 11/22- steak, baked potatoes, carrots
Tues 11/23 chunky chicken chilli (I never made this last week because my menu changed due to company)
Wed 11/24- on the road (dr. appt) sandwiches and chips
Thurs 11/25- Thanksgiving Dad's cooking!!
To see some other great menus go to http://www.orgjunkie.com/
Friday, November 19, 2010
One Week Until Black Friday
Editing this to add: Many of Walmart's sales are starting at 12:01 am on Friday with only a few of the big ticket electronics going on sale at 5:00 am. Looks like I am taking a nap Thursday afternoon so I can start my shopping at 10 pm Thursday night.
TOS Review: KB Teachers

Looking for some fun and educational work sheets for your children? KB Teachers might be the website you are looking for.
From the website-"KB Teachers is the one stop destination for teachers and parents who are always on the lookout for new and engaging 21st century tools and materials."
KB Teachers has a wide variety of worksheets for children of all ages. Some of the subjects include: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Basic Skills, and Seasonal worksheets. The age range on the worksheets are from Pre-K all the way up to High School. A great feature of their website is customizable alphabet and math worksheets so you can create brand new worksheets in seconds. Answer keys to the worksheets only show up when you print the sheets out. There is no search box on their site because everything you are looking for should be able to be found in three clicks or less. The website is very easy to navigate even though it is currently undergoing construction and improvements are continuing to be made. All of their content is unique and have been created by their own team so you won't find anything like it anywhere else on the web. They do offer several free worksheets. The cost of a premium membership is $29 per year or $49 for two years. You can view all of the worksheets they currently have available before you purchase a membership and there is a 30 day money back guarantee when you pay with a credit card and a 10 day free trail with your pay pal account.
Some of my favorite worksheets were the Alphabet and Math worksheets. I also liked the worksheets they have for mixed Basic Skills. I think they have a good variety of pre-k,k ,and 3rd grade and up but I didn't see a whole lot of 1-2 nd grade. There are several interesting Science Topics although many of them do not list an age range and they do not come from a Creationist View (you might like to know that ahead of time.) Another section I enjoyed were the Web Quests. These worksheets have several links to investigate a topic and then you come back and fill in the answers on the worksheet.
Overall I thought this was a great website. It was very easy to navigate and covered several topics that I have not seen on other sites. I look forward to continue using this site with my children and can't wait to see the final result when their construction is finished.
I received a complimentary premium membership to this website for the purpose of writing a fair and honest review. I received no other compensation.
To see what other crew members are saying click here.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
4-H Workshops
Monday, November 15, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

It's Monday again! I only bought a few groceries this week so we can use up what I already have stocked in the cupboard.
Friday 10/12- homemade pizza
Sat 10/13- hot roast beef sandwiches with mushroom and gravy, baked potatoes
Sun 10/14-homemade mac and cheese, biscuits
Mon 10/15- sandwiches and chips (we have a workshop and a meeting to go to)
Tues 10/16-chunky chicken chilli (will post recipe if we like it)
Wed 10/17-pork chops, mashed potatoes, cauliflower
Thurs 10/18-spaghetti
To get some menu planning inspiration go to www.orgjunkie.com
TOS Review: Corps of Re-Discovery

Corps of Discovery was the name President Jefferson gave Lewis and Clarks party as theywent out searching for an east-west water passage to the Pacific Ocean. The Corps of Re-Discovery is a company founded by a homeschool family who has found and created great project kits to help enrich your studies of American Indians, Fontiersman, and Pioneer and Colonial Americans so that we too can "re-discover" America. Their project kits are great not just for homeschools but also schools, churches, scout activities, birthday parties, and other group events. Prices of their kits start around $3.99 and go up to $72.00 with the most expensive items being craft packs offering several different kits.
The first time I had an opportunity check out this website, I decided that I would like to have at least one of everything! There have so many fun and reasonably priced craft kits! American History is my favorite subject to teach and I love doing hands on projects with the children to help reinforce what they are learning and make History come alive. They have kits that would be great for boys, girls, or both.
We were sent the Coin Pouch Kit to make. Everything you need to make the project is included in the kit. The kit included pre-cut, pre-punched leather parts, snap, plastic lace, and instructions. I had two children who really wanted to make this project so we flipped a coin to decide. Alex (almost 7) won the toss and got to make this project. He is a very hands on learner and loves doing stuff like this. The pouch is made of sturdy leather, and the plastic cord was very strong. I read the directions to Alex and gave him all of the pieces. The directions were very easy to read and understand. After a few minutes of working on the coin pouch he said," This cord is very hard to push through these holes. A smaller piece of string would be a lot easier." I fed the cord through a few holes and decided he was right. The cord was the same size on both ends and was square so I took a pair of scissors and cut a very small snip on the end we were feeding through the holes so it was cut on an angle. This made feeding the cord through much easier and Alex was able to zip right through it.
He was very pleased with his results. The coin pouch turned out great and he had fun making it. It is very sturdy and I think it will be holding his coins for a long time to come.
If you are a parent looking for some great hands on learning projects, or a leader of any kind of child's clubs (boy scouts, girl scouts, 4-H) you should head over to the Corps of Re-Discovery and look at all of the wonderful project kits they have to offer.
I received a complimentary Coin Pouch Kit in order to write a fair and honest review. I received no other compensation.
To see what other crew members are saying about the Coin Pouch Kit or other kits from Corps of Re-Discovery click here.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Free From The Old Schoolhouse: Digital Holiday Supplement

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veteran's Day

At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918 an Armistice was declared. This would eventually evolve into what we now know as Veteran's Day where we honor all of the men and women who have served during both times of war and times of peace.
For the last two years, our Homeschool Group has done a great program on Veteran's Day. We have had a wonderful Veteran come and speak with our children and then the children gave presentations on either a Veteran or something patriotic. Both years it has been my children's favorite Homeschool C0-op. This year our group did not put anything together, and with Christian having been sick all week, I did not have a whole lot of time to put anything together. Still, I wanted to set aside our normal History work and do something related to Veteran's Day. We went to this website and read about the history of Veteran's Day and watched several of the videos that were on the site. Then we did a little research with our Usborne book of World Wars (great book by the way.) We also made this paper craft and this paper craft from www.dltk-kids.com. Although it wasn't as involved as previous years, I think the children learned a lot and had fun making the crafts.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Thanksgiving Craft and Lapbook Ideas
Monday, November 8, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Soccer's finally over (Nick's team came in second) and this week seems relatively calm so far. I don't even have to leave the house until Thursday! Here's what's cooking up for supper at my house this week.
Friday 11/5- frozen pizza (it was that kind of day)
Saturday 11/6- homemade sloppy joes, french fries, fruit
Sunday 11/7-baked ziti (will post recipe later in the week), bread
Monday 11/8-chicken, baked potatoes, carrots
Tuesday 11/9-broccoloi and cheese soup, biscuits
Wednesday 11/10 potato topped mini meatloaves, corn
Thursday 11/11 beef stroganoff
Check our http://www.orgjunkie.com/ to see some other great menu plans for this week!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Favorite Breakfast Recipes
1 3/4 cup flour
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 cup oil or melted butter
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 3/4 cup milk
Mix all ingredients until well blended. Follow waffle maker directions for cooking waffles.
Pancakes (I sometimes add chocolate chips or blueberries to this recipe)
2 1/2 cups flour
1tsp salt
1tsp baking soda
2 tsp sugar
3 tsp baking powder
4 tsp melted butter
2 eggs
2 1/2 cups milk
Mix ingedients until well blended. Drop batter in frying pan or electric skillet. Cook until pancakes are bubbly then flip to other side.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Homeschool Art Class
Monday, November 1, 2010
Finished Creation Dino Study
Menu Plan Monday

The last week of soccer. This week will hopefully be our last chaotic week for a little while. This is what our supper menu is looking like this week.
Sat 10/30- hot dogs and grapes after trick or treat (when Halloween falls on Sunday our town does trick or treat on Sat so it doesn't conflict with church)
Sun 10/31-lasagna and bread
Mon 11/1- Soccer Pizza Party
Tues 11/2- bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits, fruit
Wed 11/3- chicken, brocc, rice casserole
Thurs 11/4- grilled cheese, tomato soup
Check out some great menus at http://www.orgjunkie.com/