Our Family

Our Family

Monday, February 9, 2009

Home Sweet Home

For the week-end, we headed to North West Arkansas to go and visit my parents. My mom and dad wanted to tile their kitchen counters and my dad needed some help. Art has done a couple of other tile projects so we headed up there to help. The children were great on the road. They are pretty well traveled so 3 1/2 hours is pretty easy for them. Art and my dad worked on the kitchen all week-end while my mom and I entertained the children. The kitchen turned out great! I was quite impressed with the children, not only for their good behavior, but also because they took it upon themselves to help clean up my mom and dad's back yard. About 2 weeks ago NWA had a really bad ice storm that led to power outages and trees down everywhere. There are still people in some areas without power. On Sunday when I sent the children out to play, they spent the afternoon stacking up branches that had come down. I thought that was a great way to help their Papa and they didn't even have to be asked to do it. We had a great time visiting, but it is always nice to be back home.

1 comment:

GammySel said...

How sweet and I bet your parents were extremely blessed by their actions!
What a lesson on how to think of others before yourself.
