Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, June 19, 2010

High Seas Adventure!

This week has been a very busy week. We have been on a High Seas Adventure at VBS. My children love Vacation Bible School and I volunteer every year. We had awesome crafts, wonderful snacks, great stories, cool games, and fabulous songs (which will probably be stuck in my head for the next year.) Our kids learned 5 Bible Points: 1. God's Word is True. 2. God's word is surprising. 3, God's word is comforting. 4. God's word is life changing. 5. God's word is for everyone. We had over 100 kids everyday pre k-6th (not bad for a small town) and raised over $800 for a child in our community with severe health problems. I had the pre-k class (over 20 kids everyday) so I did not get any pictures of my older children.

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