The children were chomping at the bit to get started on their school work, so we started back yesterday. It is two weeks earlier than what I had planned and I don't even have all of my books in yet, but I wanted to go ahead while they were so excited. Last year our first day did not go as well as I had hoped, so this year we are easing into our work and will be up to a normal schedule in about two weeks (or as soon as I get my books.) Our Monday Morning Project yesterday was making owls out of paper plates. It turned out very cute (I will try to post a picture later) and they are already looking forward to next weeks craft. We also did a Bible Lesson with the boys. Chelsea did a full schedule (her choice.) I thought I would share what I am using for curriculum this year.
Chelsea 7th grade-Sonlight Curriculum. I love using Sonlight. I think it is a great way to teach. The biggest problem I have with it is cost. I cannot justify the expense for 1 child when I have 5 others. I was very blessed this year that a friend of mine loaned me her entire 7th grade Sonlight curriculum! All I had to add to it was Math (Alpha-Omega 7) and Chelsea wanted to start Spanish this year so I ordered Instant Immersion Spanish on CD Rom.
Nick 2nd Grade- Horizons 2 Math, Language Lessons for the Very Young, A Reason for Handwriting, The Story of the World. We are using for spelling, doing a study on animals starting with Birds for Science, and I have selected several read alouds and readers for him.
Alex K-Horizons K Math, Build your own Phonics Book, Handwriting Without Tears, The Story of the World, Same Science and read alouds as Nick.
Anthony pre-k. He wants to do "school" with his siblings so I am using some workbooks from Usborne: Ready for Writing, Shapes, and Letters.
Chelsea's Bible Study was included with her curriculum and the boys and I will be reading through the Story Book Bible again this year.