I am happy to report that our week ended a lot better than it began. We actually only do "school" 4 days a week, leaving Friday to run errands and play at the park with some friends. I already posted our Monday morning project and our PE activities for this week. For Bible we are reading through the new testament and read about the births of John and Jesus. we didn't have a memory verse for this week. Instead we went over some of the verses we memorized last year to see how many we remembered. For History Chelsea is reading about creation and the beginning of the world. Music time was spent practicing her Clarinet and she picked up in her Math book where she left off in June and we did not have to do any review. Her science this week was on planet Earth and she made an illustration for her notebook about Earth and an advertisement trying to "sell" someone to want to live here. For our Read Aloud we are reading The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien (just a chapter a day those chapters are pretty long.)
Nick's Five in a Row book for this week was the Glorious flight Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot by Alice and Martin Provensen. For Geography we talked about he locations of France and England and the English Channel and made a flag of France. For Language arts we talked about onomatopoeia (the kids love that word.) We had to take off a day due to a very upset stomach (you don't want the details.) We learned about he process of inventing and flying for Science and got to try our hands at both designing and flying paper airplanes. Nick picked up where we left off in his Handwriting Without Tears Book and his Math. Alex practiced his letters and played his "learning game" on the computer for his schoolwork this week. All in all it was a very productive week.