It was an exciting week! Big mama (Jessie) finally had her babies! Monday afternoon I went out to check on her about 2:30 in the afternoon and decided she was showing signs of early labor so we got her moved into her stall. She was huge! And her milk bag was enormous!
We stayed with her all afternoon and into the evening. Christian and I took turns eating supper (Alex was at work.) Around 7:00 she started delivering the first baby. When we could see some hoofs and a little face peeking out the sack broke and mama decided that she had delivered her baby! She stopped pushing and started cleaning up the water from the broken sack. I was not sure what to do so after a little while I gently moved the baby's hoof and then she started pushing again. Then she almost delivered her into the hay feeder! But after I moved her we had a sweet little doe on the ground. Mama did a great job cleaning her off.

Because she was so big for so long I suspected there would be two good sized babies or three little ones. We watched and waited and just before 8:00 pm she started pushing again and before long we had a really good sized doe on the ground. Her sack was completely in tack so I pulled it off her head and wiped her nose and mouth so she could start breathing while mama began cleaning her off.

No mama was trying to clean up the new one and take care of the other one. She still was bigger then she should be and pawed the ground a few times so I was sure there was another baby in there. We continued to watch and wait. Around 9:00 pm she started pushing again. She was so tired she was closing her eyes between her contractions. When we could see a really good sized bubble I started to worry because we could not see any body parts at all in the bubble! No hoofs, no face, nothing but water. She got up and started walking around the pen, rubbing her back against the wall. I was afraid the baby might be sideways. A little while later we could see some hooves peaking out and unfortunately a back end instead of a face. Mama was screaming in pain and pushing as hard as she could but I had to help her and pulled that little goat out. At first I thought he was dead but got the sack wiped off and he started moving! Mama was exhausted by then and started cleaning him up while she was laying down.

She did a great job (and still is doing a great job) taking care of all her babies. She feeds and cleans them all and they are active and curious little creatures. They play and eat and then sleep all in a pile. So sweet!
Wednesday was a very busy day. We had a dentist appointment (2 have to go back to get cavities taken care of.) We got Alex to school, did some quick grocery shopping of things we were out of, picked him up, and ran to the house. Once groceries were ran in the girls and I went to pick up Ms. Beckys cat to take it to the vet. Ms. Becky is still recovering from surgery and unable to drive but Sophie needed to get looked at, poor baby had not been eating hardly at all. She was anemic and had an infection. Some day she will forgive us for taking her!
Then we went and picked out the girls pigs.
Saturday Alex had another trap shoot. And we had to pick up more supplies for the fence.
After lots of hard work this weekend, the middle section is finished!
Other photos this week:
Week 28 in our Homeschool
Bible: We continued with our reading through The Psalms and Old Testament Bible stories.
History: We studied The Black Death, The Ming Dynasty, and John Wycliffe.
Geography: This week we studied Nevada and Utah.
Language Arts: Emmie's lessons were on poetry this week. Lily continued working on Lassie Comes Home (Memoria Press.) The boys finished their research papers. They did an excellent job! That was the last section in their language arts curriculum. I am not sure how we finished it up so early but they can use the extra time they have to double up on some other things (like math.)
Latin: We took a week off of Latin this week.
Art: Abstract Art is not my thing, but it is educational. This week's artist was Joan Miro. We finished the lesson from Meet The Masters and the worksheets. Next week they will create their piece of artwork.
Math: Independent Work
Science: Independent Work.
We finished These Happy Golden Years and the First Four Years. We started Little House on Rocky Ridge . I have never read the books about Rose Wilder Lane before.
I hope you had a great week!
Happy Homeschooling!