Our Family

Our Family

Monday, December 21, 2020

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 15

 The big news is that we had snow this week for the first time in two years!  They started calling for a possible slight chance of slow or sleet late Tuesday.  The children asked if it actually started snowing would they be able to go out an play and I said yes of course!  Around 7:30 that night we started seeing some snowflakes and then it started coming down pretty good.  It was cold!!!! Anthony went out and made some snowballs and Lily, Christian, and Emmie played out for quite awhile.  They even took the sled down the hill on the little sprinkling we got and Christian built a little snowman.  By 9:30 it had stopped snowing and by 9:00 the next morning everything had completely melted.  But it was exciting for a little while!

We finished up everything we needed to get done by Thursday and are now on our Christmas break!

Week 15 in our Homeschool


Bible: We finished reading through the book of Hebrews.

Read Aloud: We started and finished The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  I hope they dont ever get tired of the tradition of reading this book.  It makes us all laugh and touches something inside our hearts every time we read it.  I think sometimes it can be so hard for children who have grown up in the church to understand that there are children who do not know anything about Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas and I think this story does a good job helping to remind us of that.  It also helps us think deeper about the true meaning of Christmas and the things that Mary and Joseph experienced. The Christmas story is amazing and miraculous and this book helps us to remember not to think of it as something we already know everything about.  "Hey! Unto YOU a child is born!"

Geography: We learned about West Virginia this week.

History: We completed 3 lessons in The MOH on Viking Life, Methodius and Cyril, and Alfred the Great.

Language Arts: The girls finished their books last week and so did not have any assignments.  The boys finally finished Treasure Island.  Feels like we have been working on it forever!

Spelling/Reading: The boys finished Step 26 in AAS Level 7.  And Emmie completed the last story in volume 1 of AAR Level 4.

The girls and I  worked a lot on making Christmas presents.  They got all of theirs finished on Wednesday and we went to the post office to get them sent off.  Lily also made this snowman decoration for the dining room.

We had to do some hoof trimming on the goats.

And playing with the bunnies.  I thought we were going to sell the babies but they are here to stay.  We had one cage left we could put them in.  We will start separating them from their mother today.

This week we are cleaning, baking, and getting ready for Christmas!

I hope you had a great week!

Happy Homeschooling!

1 comment:

me said...

Oh! I know what you mean about The Best Christmas Pageant Ever! And I know what you mean about finishing a book that seems to take forever. :)

The snowman is very cute, and how fun to keep your bunnies!

I wish you a very merry Christmas!!!!