Our Family

Our Family

Monday, May 18, 2020

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 34

We are winding down the school year, and only have one more week to go!  We had some beautiful weather this week and also more storms, including a tornado warning and one night of running through a hail storm. We spend as much time outside as possible when the weather is good and even when it is raining sometimes as ling as it is not storming.

Bible:  We read three chapters in First Corinthians.

Read Aloud: We finished Ember's End and Heartbreak Trail.

History: We watched 2 Drive Thru History The Gospels episodes.

Science: We finished a chapter on Trees in Botany.

Geography: Our lesson was on Portugal.

Emmie: Emmie completed 3 math lessons, 3 lessons in Lightning Lit on A Mouse Named Wolf, and two lessons in AAR Level 3.

Lily completed 3 lessons in her Reading Eggs book, started The Dreamer in Lightning Lit, and completed 3 math lessons.

Anthony and Christian are working on their research paper and completed 3 chapters in Adam of the Road (only one to go!) and 3 math lessons.

Other Activities this Week

Monday I had to go to the church and set up a photo board for Nick.  We usually do a senior Sunday when parents make a photo board and set it up in our decorated fellowship hall, seniors are recognized during the service, and those that want to leave little gifts for the graduates.  We have a potluck lunch honoring the seniors after church.  None of those things could be done this year.  So parents were invited to make a photo display, set it up on Monday and those who wanted to could come in during the week, view the seniors displays and leave them if they wished.  They also decided to host a drive thru fish fry for the church to honor the seniors. 

Tuesday we headed out to pick up two more goats.  We hoped we would have enough babies for the kids to show this year but only ended up with two.  I needed at least one more goat but decided to get two just in case something happened to one of ours.  We also can keep them and breed them next year.  Lily will be showing a goat for the first time this year and Alex will show two if all goes well.

Wednesday we went and walked at the park.

Nick and Emmie walked pigs for the first time.

Friday was our 21st Wedding Anniversary!  Art asked me if I wanted to go out to eat, but even though our restaurants are open (33%) capacity you have to wear a mask in the restaurant.  You can take it off when your drink arrives.  I think this is crazy.  We went and did our grocery shopping and picked up some takeout on the way home.  When we were halfway home a big storm blew in and it started hailing!  We pulled in the driveway and made a run for the house leaving the groceries until the storm settled down.  The wind and hail laid down all of my tomato plants.  I replanted them, maybe they will be ok.  As poor as my garden is doing this year, I do have pumpkin growing that I didn't plant in the front yard right next to the flower bed. It looks great!

Saturday was another rainy stormy day.  We had a tornado warning but no tornado or damage thankfully.

Sunday I try not to focus too much on what was supposed to be happening before Covid 19 shut down the country, but Sunday was supposed to have been Nick's graduation.  We listened to the church service by radio and then drove through the fish fry.  Graduation has been rescheduled for July 17th.

I hope you had a great week!

Happy Homeschooling!

1 comment:

Aflyonmyhomeschoolwall said...

I love the sentences, "I needed at least one more goat," and "Nick and Emmie walked pigs for the first time."

How many people can say those sentences meaningfully!?? :)

I hope lots of people came to look at the senior photo boards and leave messages of love and congratulations.

Congratulations from me!!!!

We haven't planted pumpkins yet . . . I don't have a place for them right now, but I'm working on it. Your pumpkin vine is lovely!

Happy last week of school!!!!!!!