The children ended up with a half day off on Monday because I was working with our Ag Agent on completing all of the necessary paperwork for Nick, Alex, and Anthony's trip to the International SeaPerch competition at the University of Maryland in June. We received two very generous donations and had 3 fund raisers that gave us enough money to fund the trip for the three boys and two chaperones. We made their lodging and plane reservations and also booked the rental car and paid the necessary fees to enter the competition ($635 just to enter the team and the robot!) All that is left to submit is their engineering notebook which we are finishing up and submitting this week.
Week 33 in our Homeschool
Bible: We completed 4 lessons in the 10 Minute Bible Journey. This completed the book.
Read Aloud: We finished our biography on Henry Ford in the morning. We are still reading DragonKnight and Badge of Honor in the evenings.
History: We finished weeks 5 and 6 in Pathway to Liberty. Lily's level had her finishing the biography and answering questions on her reading. The boys' assignments were more readings in War, Peace, and all that Jazz and watching a documentary on Trench Warfare. Lily really enjoys this curriculum and wants to continue with it. The rest of us want to go back to MOH.
Poetry: We are working on The Hayloft by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Science: The boys completed the lesson on Alexander Graham Bell in Techie Homeschool Mom and we started looking at a unit on plants in Supercharged Science (upcoming review.)
Individual School: Emmie did 3 lessons in Singapore Math. She completed one lesson in All About Reading Level 2 and worked on Reading Eggs.
Lily completed 4 days of math in MLFLE. She worked everyday on learning how to type using EdAlive's Typing Tournament (she loves this!)
Anthony and Christian completed 4 days in math. They completed step 19 in AAS Level 6. They finished up their papers on any nonfiction topic in SWI A. Anthony wrote about drones and Christian wrote about tadpoles and frogs. Christian worked on Math Invaders from and Anthony worked on Spelling Tutor 3 days and engaging eyes 1 day from Dyslexia Gold.
We played some Math Bingo this week too.
Other Activities this Week
Monday soccer was a home game so the girls and Art and I went to the game. Chelsea and Liam met us there.
Tuesday Nick went live on the radio and talked about SeaPerch and pulled the raffle winner for our last fundraiser.
That afternoon was a long trap practice. At the end of practice Alex started having pain in the back of his right arm and couldn't finish shooting his round. We iced it when he got home and it felt better.
Wednesday was the last day of Kid's Club and Children's Choir until school starts up again in the fall. We had an end of the year pizza party and went to play at the park.
Afterwards we went to the pool to test the ROV. It is a little off balance and needs a few adjustments.
Thursday Emmie had dance and Christian and Alex had another trap practice. Alex only fired 6 shells and had a lot of pain in the arm again. We did more ice and ibuprofen wrapped his arm and added a recoil pad to the end of his gun.
Friday morning we headed out to the Trap Regionals in Jacksonville Arkansas. The junior squads shot on Friday morning. Christian did not score very high but I am very proud of him for learning something new and continuing even when it was hard.
Alex wanted to practice to see how his arm felt and he did ok shooting 23/25. I thought he was only going to shoot a few rounds but he completed the whole 25. We did more ice and ibuprofen and wrapped it again.
Our hotel had a pool so the children enjoyed that when we got finished.
Then we ordered pizza and hung out at the hotel.
Nick played his last game of the season Friday night.
Saturday it was time for the seniors to shoot. Alex's arm was hurting him. He had to carry his gun in his left hand when they changed positions but he did get through all 50 shots. He only shot 42 and was really disappointed but I was proud of him! I think the pain is from a muscle pull and am hoping that it will have a chance to rest and heal now that trap is over for him.
The school year is winding down. We will be finishing some things up and starting some new reviews. I am really excited about some of our upcoming reviews including 2nd Grade Lightning Literature for Emmie (I love Lightning Literature!) I need to make some decisions on curriculum for next year. I really hadn't thought much about it yet. Our regular school year will be ending in a few weeks and we will just do some reading, math, and review stuff over the summer.
No goat babies yet!
I have been in several conversations over the last couple of weeks where I have been questioned on my parenting decisions and made to feel like I need to defend these decisions. Parenting is hard enough without that. Every day I try to make the best decisions I can for my children. Sometimes I make good ones and sometimes they are not so good, but I get up everyday and do the best I can. No matter what you do or what decisions you make someone will criticize or think it is wrong. I think it would be a much better world if we worked on encouraging rather then criticizing or making people feel like they are doing something wrong if they aren't doing it our way. Just my .02 on that....
Dance still has a month left and music lessons go all year round. 4 H will have different activities over the summer but we should have a bit more time at home over the next few months.
My roses bloomed this week!
I hope you had a great week!
Happy Homeschooling!