Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 24

February is always the hardest month to homeschool.  The weather is yucky, it still gets dark pretty early, and there is a lot of illnesses going around.  Children (and mamas) start getting cabin fever from being inside more then usual.  Attitudes crop up more then usual.  Curriculum catalogs start arriving and although it is great to look and dream it can make you unsatisfied with your current choices.  Sometimes your joy disappears.  Despite all of the usual February difficulties, we had a really good week.  It was not without some challenges (there are always parenting challenges whether you homeschool or not!) and some bad attitudes, but overall it was a good school week :)

Week 24 in our Homeschool

Morning "together school" 2nd-7th Grade

Bible: We completed 4 lessons in the 10 Minute Bible Journey

Read Aloud: We finished our YWAM Biography on Ernest Shackleton and read 6 chapters in The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Book 3.

History: We completed the folderbook assignments for week 5 and did the readings for week 6 of the MOH Vol 1.

Science: We started chapter 12 in Apologia Anatomy on the senses.

Art: We did the first art project in Art of the Ancients K-3 Vol 2.  Even though the videos are geared for K-3 older children can participate in the projects.  They drew and colored something with wheels using soft pastels.

Individual School 2nd-7th

Emmie 2nd grade- Emmie completed lessons 5-8 in Singapore Dimensions 1 A.  In Homeschool Complete 2nd the theme for this week was apples. We watched two books being read on Youtube (10 Apples Up on Top, One Green Apple by Eve Bunting), filled out a chart on the different tastes, colors, smells, and sounds of apple, planted apple seeds, talked about what happens when an apple is exposed to air and what slows down the oxidation, made a chart using tallies and a pictograph and read a paragraph on Johnny Appleseed and answered comprehension questions.

Lily 4th grade- Lily completed 4 days of MLFLE, 2 days of Saxon Grammar and red chapters 6 and 7 in Little House in the Big Woods and completed the pages for her binder.

Christian and Anthony- 6th and 7th grade- They both completed 4 days of work in Rod and Staff math (btw this curriculum does not show how to work the problems out in the teacher guide just gives the answers :(  ) They completed Step 10 in AAS Level 6.  They also watched the DVD for lesson 10 in SWI A lesson 10 and did an outline of a story of their choosing. 

Other Activities this Week

Monday the girls had gymnastics.

Then I dropped Alex off at the EH house to meet up with Nick and other teen 4 hers to head to Little Rock for the nigh to attend 4 H day at The Capital the next day.

I worked with the remaining boys on the SeaPerch.  We had a controller break and set a battery on fire but learned some very important what not to do lessons while we were there.

Tuesday Nick and Alex had 4 H Day at the Capital.

We had Liam.  I took Christian to Trap ( the girls have to tag along too of course.)

Wednesday there was no Kid's Club because of Mid Winter Break at the public school.

Thursday No dance because of break.  We had Liam while Chelsea went to a doctor appointment.

Lily made this for Chelsea.  They made some gifts for Liam and for Art and I too but I didn't take pictures of all of them.
 Liam put the basketball in a planter and carried it all around the yard.

Friday the girls had a birthday party to go to at the park.  It was not anywhere near as warm as they said it was going to be!! I froze!

Then we went and worked on the SeaPerch and practiced driving.

Saturday we stayed home! Emmie wore this bonnet and apron all day long and wanted to make supper for everyone so she made pancakes.

Sunday Sunday school and church this morning, grocery shopping, and now 3 of my boys are off on a youth pizza and bowling trip (no public school tomorrow either.)

I hope you had a great week!

Happy Homeschooling!

1 comment:

Aflyonmyhomeschoolwall said...

I got a kick out of seeing your big boys fold themselves down to draw on the floor. :)

And Emmie's pioneer outfit is so cute!

What a lot of wonderful accomplishments and experiences for you all. I'm glad you don't have February blahs. :)