Activities This Week
Monday Christian had one last soccer game for this season. I was so glad that got to play one more game, but I had another obligation and could not be there. Several weeks before we decided that Mom's Night Out would be that night and we would have a Make and Take Oils class. I committed to being there and didn't want to miss it. These monthly Mom;s Night Outs have been a huge blessing in my life. There are not many people in the world that you can share your difficulties or challenges with and not be judged for them or have people talking about you behind your back. Parenting is hard, homeschooling is hard. We need to surround ourselves with people who will encourage and lift us up, not talk about all the things we do wrong or that we should do better, especially to other people. I try to be the best mom I can be every day to all of my children who all have individual needs and I so cherish the time I have with friends that are encouraging. I have been using a few oils here and there to help with some things and found the class very interesting. Christian's team lost the game but they were very good sports about it.
Tuesday The girls had gymnastics. After gymnastics we had our first every County Wide 4 H meeting. They had costume and pumpkin contest, a demonstration from the K9 Unit of the police department, snacks, and packed Blessing Bags to be distributed to the local schools. A good time was had by all.
Lily and Christian decorated cupcakes to take to the meeting.
Wednesday we babysat Liam in the morning.
Alex made a second breakfast (he is hungry all the time!) and shared with the baby.
And had Kid's Club in the afternoon followed by Children's Choir.
Thursday Lily had piano and Emmie had dance.
Friday we had a Geography Through Art Co-op. Our topic was China and they made scrolls and dragons.
Then we had our Nature Seekers 4 H meeting. We usually pack Operation Christmas Child boxes in October but I could not work the scheduling out. So we did some fun fall themed STEM activities at the park instead. We made pumpkin slime, pumpkin catapults (and then launched little pumpkins), ghost rockets, and Boo bags.
Then the older boys went to the football game and a late night youth activity.
Saturday morning Nick was up bright and early to take the ACT. He said it was harder then the last time he took it. We will see when the results come back.
It was such a pretty day Saturday we spent a lot of time outside and Saturday afternoon went to Murfreesboro for their Trunk or Treat on the square. They had a great time.
Sunday morning the Children's Choir sang in church.
Week 11 in our Homeschool
P.E.: We have started back doing P.E. every day (well almost.) This week we did Family Time Fitness 3 days. My legs were so sore from doing some frog jumps!
Bible: We completed 4 lessons in Bible Study Guide For All Ages.
Read Aloud: We read 4 chapters of Milton Hershey and are still reading through The UnMapped Sea in the evening (The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place Book 5)
History: We read lesson 15 in America's Story on The Golden Age of America.
Science: We finished up Lesson 7 on Blood in Apologia Human Anatomy. We did the notebooking activities and did some blood typing (sort of.) A kit came with our science kit and Christian volunteered to be the guinea pig. But you are not supposed to smear the blood and I kind of did. So we think he's B but not 100% sure. It was a good lesson anyway.
Music Appreciation: We completed Chapter 16 in Music Appreciation I on Pilgrim's Chorus from Tannhauser by Richard Wagner.
Spelling/Reading: The boys completed Step 26 in AAS Level 5 and Emmie completed lessons 12,13, and 14 in AAR Level 2.
Language Arts: Christian and Anthony completed key word outlines and paragraphs on The Mongols. Emmie completed 4 lessons in Language Lessons for a Living Education and Lily completed 4 lessons in Hake/Saxon Grammar.
Math: They completed 4 lessons in MLFLE.
Art: The girls worked on a kit from Kidzaw (upcoming review) of The Starry Night.
I hope you had a great week in your homeschool!
Happy Homeschooling!