Week 4 in our Homeschool
P.E.: Dropped the ball a little on P.E. this week. Monday morning I found out we had NO chicken feed (no one mentioned that to me Friday when I was in town) and had to run into town to get some. By the time I got back it was past P.E. time. Another day I had an important phone call that I had to take. So we did one day Family Time Fitness and one day of Yoga.
Bible: We read a section on Dwight L. Moody and Harriet Tubman in Hero Tales. We also read about the Navajo in Windows on the World. We started reading the book of Matthew (1:1-17) and our memory verse is Matthew 1:23.
Read Aloud: We read four different stories in Kingdom Tales. For our afternoon rad aloud we finished The Bears on Hemlock Mountain.
Poetry: We memorized out tenth poem from IEW poetry, There Was an Old Person Whose Habits by Edward Lear.
E.C.C: We are reading about North America, the United States in Children's Atlas of God's World and a Trip Around the World. We did a small crossword puzzle and a color the states activity. In science we read about Deciduous Forests in Living World Encyclopedia. Temperate Forests in Properties of Ecosystems and Up in the Canopy of Living World Encyclopedia.
Science: We finished reading about Venus in Apologia Astronomy.
Art: We did a chalk pastel of Venus using Chalk Pastels: Art in Space.
Language Arts: I completely forgot about Fix It! Grammar this week. Lily started a new lesson in Jolly Grammar. We did one day of "qu" words and one day of dictation. In Language Lessons for Today we talked about the parts of a book and possessive's. Alex is working on punctuation in All in One English.
Spelling/Reading In AAS Level 3 they completed steps 4 and 5. In AAR Level 4 Anthony and Christian completed 8,9, and 10. In AAR Level 2 Lily completed lesson 33 and 34.
Math: Nick completed lesson 3 in MUS Geometry. Alex completed four lessons in Teaching Textbooks 7. Lily, Christian, and Anthony completed 4 lessons in Math Lessons for a Living Education.
MFW Creation from A to Z: Emmie finished up her unit on Apples. We made our apple badge, talked about the life cycle of an apple, and made a Fruits of the Spirit apple tree. We were going to make a recipe using the apples I bought, but she wanted to just eat them. Maybe next week we will get more and make an apple pie. She started the next unit "N" for "Nest." She did the picture card page, handwriting, page and sound discrimination page.
All American History: Nick is still reading through Under Drake's Flag and completed lessons 11-14.
Discovering God's Design in Nature: Nick read the assignments and completed the worksheets for days 15-18.
Other Activities this Week:
Monday night I had a meeting.
Tuesday Nick had youth and Christian and Alex had soccer practice.
Wednesday we had Kid's Club.
Thursday Christian and Alex had soccer and I took the other children grocery shopping.
Friday we met some friends for lunch. When Art got home from work we headed to the lake for the week-end. We had a great time. There were not a lot of people there. We spent most of our time fishing and swimming.
I hope you had a great week!
Happy Homeschooling!
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