Since we did not have a full week of school last week, we had to play a little bit of catch up this week. We also added in a few things this week.
Bible: We are all doing the Bible assignments from ECC together. I am not sure what I think about it so far. I really don't feel like it is enough Bible study. I am going to give it a bit longer before I decide for sure. We read Revelation 7:9-17, read about Judaism in Windows on the World, Read about Missionary Kids, did an overview on the Bible , and read about Dwight L. Moody in Hero Tales.
P.E.: We are using Family Time Fitness Core 2. We did 4 lessons this week in FTF.
Read Aloud: We have 3 different read alouds every day. In our morning school time we are doing the assigned read aloud from ECC which is Kingdom Tales. This is another book I am not entirely sure what I think. The children think it is strange and interesting and I have to say I agree. I had chosen some books from the ECC Book Basket list to do as afternoon read alouds, but I set those aside so we could read our book club selection, The Bears on Hemlock Mountain (Alex and I read this together a few years ago but the rest of the children had never heard it.) Our before bed chapter book read aloud is The Tale of Despereaux.
Poetry: We have been working on memorizing My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson.
ECC: In geography we finished learning about map basics like the differences between a physocal and political map, and talked about local maps. We made a map of our town.
Then we moved on to learning about our first continent, North America. We mapped the U.S., Canada, and Mexico on our North America, along with the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. We also added in the Mississippi River, Rocky Mountains, Great Lakes, and Gulf of Mexico. We started labeling some states: California, Florida, Washington, Maine, our state and bordering states on the U.S. map.
In the science portion we learned about oxygen and the water cycle, and the different types of forests. We did a worksheet shading in the different types of forests around the world.
ECC uses Global Art for it's art lessons. I am not sure how many of these we are going to end up doing. Many of the projects are pretty involved. We did some sand art this week. I even bought colored sand instead of dying our own like the book suggested and it took forever. The children did not have much patience waiting for the glue to dry between colors. Lily worked on hers most of the afternoon, Anthony never went back and finished and Emmie and Christian only used two colors so did finish theirs though Christian was not pleased with his.
Science: In Exploring Creation with Astronomy we finished Mercury. I picked up an ebook called Chalk Pastels: Art in Space. We did the project on Mercury. We had to use oil pastels because we must've used all of chalks and Walmart did not have any, but they turned out ok anyway.
Language Arts: Lily completed her lesson in . Alex finished his section on capitals in All in One English and started on punctuation. We completed Lesson 2 of Fix it! Grammar 2 and 3. In Language Lessons for Today we did a picture study and spent two days copying a poem, Blind but Happy, by Franny Crosby.
Spelling/Reading: Christian and Anthony completed lesson 3 in AAS Level 3. In AAR Level 4 they completed lessons 5,6, and 7. Lily completed lessons 31 and 32 in AAR Level 2.
Math: Everyone is on something different in Math! Nick completed lesson 2 in Geometry. Alex did 4 lessons in TT 7. The others did four lessons in Math Lessons for a Living Education, except Lily who got a head one day and kept going.... I was a bit dismayed at how my boys had forgotten how to borrow while subtracting. We also started drilling basic facts this week 2 days of the week. I forgot the other two.
MFW Creation from A to Z: Emmie started the "a" "apple" unit. She did her picture card page, handwriting page, sound discrimination page, and a cut and paste page.
She also managed to entertain herself quietly every morning this week while we were working and did not interrupt one time!
All American History: Nick completed lessons 7-10. This are pretty straight forward. He is reading the chapters and answering the questions in the activity book. He also started reading Under Drake's Flag by G.A. Henty.
Discovering God's Design in Nature: Nick completed Week 3's assignments. This is very straight forward too. Read and answer questions.
Other Activities this Week:
Tuesday nights Nick has youth. We just have to drive him to town and drop him off and Art picks him up.
Wednesday we had Kid's Club.
Friday we met up with some homeschool friends and played some Pioneer Games. They enjoyed it!
I hope you had a great week!
Happy Homeschooling!