Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Chickens

I just wrote a post last week about how excited the boys were to have their brown chickens laying eggs. Well, I am sad to say that something got into the coop and killed all but one chicken. Last week, we had 21 chickens 7 were already laying and now we have one poor hen left. The boys have taken it pretty well. They would like to get more chicks and start all over again even though they will not be able to show in the fair this year. We have a trap and are hoping to catch the culprit (we think it is a minx) tonight. I am sad for my boys, and for all of the money we have put into raising their chickens, but I am encouraging them to get more. They really enjoyed watching the chicks grow and taking care of them.

1 comment:

6intow said...

How sad! Sorry to hear about the loss of so many of your chickens.

Praying you catch whatever did it and can enjoy the adventure once again. Glad to hear the kids are taking it fairly well.