Our Monday Morning Project this week was to do Winter Drawings. Snow is a bit of a novelty around here. We usually only get it once a year and it melts before the day is out. But it is a very interesting topic for the children. Our Five in a Row book this week is Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost so this also was our Art Lesson. We just took dark blue paper and white crayons and drew winter scenes. Everyone drew snowmen (of course) but we also had snow covered trees and houses. Nick also made some snowflakes. He loves making snowflakes out of construction paper.
For our Science in Five in a Row we did a worksheet on matching animals to their tracks. For Language Arts we matched 5 vocabulary words with their definitions. Our handwriting assignment was to copy Jingle Bells, and we also did a worksheet on Who was Robert Frost? Nick also did his regular Math assignments one page every day out of Math-U-See's Alpha, and his spelling words on http://www.spellingcity.com/. He also spent 30 minutes of free reading time every day, and we are continuing to read out of the Egermeier's Bible story Book.
Chelsea is learning about Ancient Greece. She read several book this week and her History/Language Arts assignment was to do a Book Report on one of the books she read. In Science we are doing a unit on Inventors/Inventions and I found some worksheets on http://www.abcteach.com/. Her assignment this week was on the Wright Brothers. She also does one lesson a day out of her Math-u-see book and her Bible Study on Elsie Dinsmore's Life Lessons. Chelsea also does spelling on http://www.spellingcity.com/, her music is practicing the clarinet, but we did skip Art this week. We are still reading through The Lord of the rings for our Read-Aloud.
Alex did some of the work out of Five in a Row. He spends time "reading" every day during quiet time. He has a desire to learn to read so we are working on some phonics sounds and reading lots of rhyming books. I also printed several math counting sheets off the Internet and one day he made a pizza counting book by cutting and pasting pepperoni on to blank pizzas labeled 1-10. He loves cutting and pasting and this kept him busy for a long time. I can't remember where I found that on the Internet.