We took off the whole week of Thanksgiving from school at home and the local public school was out as well so Nick did not have to go for his class. We still read at night before bed and are making our way through The Long Lost Home. We finished The Secret Garden and started The Magician's Nephew.
Monday we had the 4 H Holiday Craft workshop that lasted from 8:30-4:30 with a break for lunch. I wrote more about it here.
Tuesday the girls had gymnastics, and it was Alex's birthday! Emmie made him a teepee (just what every teenage needs!)
While I was at gymnastics with the girls, Alex texted me to tell me that one of our outside cats, Jack had a large, deep wound on his neck. I told him to spray some wound care on it and we would take a look after we went to eat pizza for his birthday. Looking at it that night I was surprised how it looked, like a deep puncture wound. It wasn't bleeding and he was eating and drinking. Wednesday morning it looked worse so off to the vet we went. He had to stay a few hours so they could drug him and clean the wound. It was an abscess. He was also given an antibiotic shot. While we waited to go and pick him up, we baked pies for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Day Chelsea, Cody, and Liam came to eat lunch with us. I didn't take any photos except this one of Liam playing the guitar with Art.
Emmie ate too much and was up all night with a belly ache.
Friday morning Nick and I went to Walmart to do some grocery shopping and pick up a few sale items that were left over. It was cold and rainy and we spent the rest of the day being lazy watching TV and playing games.
Saturday was a beautiful day. Art had to work all day. The children wanted to go to a playground so I took them to one less then 5 minutes from the house that we never go to. Emmie wanted to have a picnic so she made herself a lunch to eat while we were there.
Later we started to put up a few Christmas decorations.
Sunday we stayed at church to help decorate the sanctuary.
I hope you had a great week! (I can't believe November is almost over!)
Happy Homeschooling!