Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Christian is going to be 4 in a couple of weeks. I actually am really surprised that he doesn't remember me nursing Lily since I just stopped a couple of months ago, but I guess he doesn't. We had an interesting conversation about breastfeeding yesterday.

Me: "Baby sister is getting hungry so I need to feed her."
Christian: "She can share some of my yogurt."
Me: "New babies are too little to eat yogurt."
Christian " What does she eat then?"
Me: "God made mommies so they can feed milk to their babies."
Christian :" Oh. So do you got some juice in there too?"


Nanette said...

I’m out on enjoying my blog walk and wanted to stop by to say hi. I’m now following you :)
Hope you have an amazing day!!
~ Nanette

berrypatch said...

I literally LOL'd on this one! Adorable!!! ;-)