Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School

Yesterday was our first official back to school. As I mentioned in an earlier post, we wade in gently and add a few subjects at a time for the first couple of weeks until we are back at a full schedule. We got off to a bit of a slow start yesterday but overall it was a very productive day. The morning chores took a little longer than usual due to procrastination (kids procrastinating at chores?) but we got back on track quickly. For this week Nick, Alex, and Anthony are doing Bible, Read Aloud, Handwriting, and we did some computer investigation on a few animals that we were unfamiliar with (more on that another time.) They were also determined to do a craft, so each of the boys grabbed a craft book. Alex made finger puppets, Anthony a fireman hat, Nick an airplane, and Christian bunny ears.

Chelsea worked on Algebra, Spanish, History, Bible, and Literature. When I gave her the 9th grade Abeka Literature Book, she told me that she had already read through all of it fir fun over the summer. Hmmmmmm...... I do not want to bore her by making her read it again so I am going to have to come up with something else. We are planning on reading through Sonlight's Core 100 readers and literature anyway, maybe that will be enough if I add in some writing assignments. She is also trying to teach herself how to play the guitar and spent some time practicing.

1 comment:

kathleen said...

Chelsea and Ruth are so alike...vigorous readers!! Ruth can't stand to not have a book in hand. Hope your week continues to go well!