Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 31

Emmie asked me when the virus will be gone from Arkansas so the world can open up again and we can go back to church and do other fun things that we like to do.  I told her we don't know right now what will happen we just have to wait and see.  I do think that what used to be normal is no more and that this virus and the country's response to it has caused some changes that will be here to stay.  Arkansas is supposed to be making some announcements this week on the plans for reopening the state.  We will see what happens.  This week when I went grocery shopping I was planning on picking up some material from Walmart for an embroidery project and they were sold out!  The shelves were empty.  I had no idea.  A few other grocery things on my list were also out.  I have not seen tubs of butter in the store for weeks now.  The limits on most things are lifted except for toilet paper, soap, and cleaning products.

Week 31 in our Homeschool

Bible: We finished the book of Romans and started 1st Corinthians.

Read Aloud: We are reading Ember's End by S.D. Smith and Heartbreak Trail by Susan K. Marlow.

History: We watched two episodes of Drive Thru History The Gospels.

Science: We read lesson 7 in Botany on roots.

Geography: This week we studied France in Let's Go Geography.

Art History: We had one lesson left on Post Impressionists on Picasso.  The children had watched half of it when we lost our internet connection due to a bad rainstorm.  We did not loose power though so that was a bonus :)

Latin: We worked on Lesson 3 in Visual Latin on gender.

Emmie completed two lessons in AAR Level 3, 4 lessons in math (she started learning about division), and worked on assignments for the book Sam, Bangs, and Moonshine in Lightning Lit.

Lily completed 4 math lessons on geometry, 4 pages in reading eggs, and worked on her Lightning Lit assignments for Nim's Island.

Christian and Anthony completed Step 14 in AAS Level 7, read 4 chapters in Adam of the Road and continued their assignments on writing a research paper in Jump In.

Other Activities this Week

More work on the barn.  They made a gate and a door this week.  We are still waiting for our dirt to be delivered so we can finish the other 4 pens.

Our baby goats were a month old this week.  They are growing really well!

Wednesday was a beautiful day so we loaded up, grabbed Chelsea and the babies and headed to the park to walk the nature trail.  They have most of the park blocked off but you are allowed to walk the trails.  We had to park at the front and walk to get to the nature trail and then walk back to the van so our walk ended up being 2 miles which was not bad with Liam walking!  He learned a fun science lesson.   When he threw a stick into a puddle it splashed but the leaf didn't.  He was excited to tell us about that!

After we finished walking we had a picnic in Chelsea's backyard.

We had a visit from our neighbor's cows.  They were trying to move them to a different pasture but they liked the grass at our house and would not leave!  They had 2 4 wheelers and a truck trying to herd them in the right direction.  It took awhile but they finally did go.

The girls and I worked on a few projects.  Emmie did the little pillow and Lily made the cute drawstring bags.  I did the other two pillows and the farm animal canvases.

We went to the lake and did some fishing.  The girls and Christian went swimming.  The water was freezing!  It was a beautiful day that made me wish we were able to camp!

I had the babies one day while Chelsea had to work a day shift.

The children played some board games one rainy day.

And just because I love my roses!

I hope you had a great week!

Happy Homeschooling!

1 comment:

Aflyonmyhomeschoolwall said...

That barn looks fabulous! And all of your lovely outdoor time, too. I'd be jealous, except that I've been outside . . . somehow your lake adventures make me hungry for more outside time than I'm even getting. :) I wonder why your Walmart was out of fabric, but ours is stocked up. And the butter shortage is very confusing. Why? Stores are more full again, but the limits mean I have to shop often. I wish you continued health and learning and joy!!!