Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, December 10, 2016

December Nature Seekers 4 H Meeting

Every year in December our 4 H club has a Christmas party.  For several years we did a pizza party, and the children of course loved that.  We also made several different types of crafts. But last year a cookout was suggested so we cooked hot dogs and had people bring cookies and things to go with with it, and we made Nature Crafts at Grandview.  This year when I asked the children what they wanted to do they voted for another cookout.  One of the moms said that she would love to have it at her house and would provide the hot dogs, toppings, and buns.  The children wanted to make Smores too so I volunteered to bring the items for that, drinks, plates, and chips and asked any others that were coming just to bring something to go along with hot dogs.

It has been COLD here in Arkansas.  We  have been dropping down into the 20's at night and barely hitting 40 during the days the last several days.  It would figure that our cookout fell on the coldest day we've had!  We did not have good attendance, only 7 children (and 6 were mine!)  But the children had fun!

We made a penguin craft to take to the nursing home.

And a sleigh out of Hershey bars and candy canes to take home.

We also made pine cone bird feeders.  This was the coldest activity!  We were outside and away from the fire!

They cooked their hot dogs and most of us ate inside.

Then we went back out and made Smores.

The house we went to had goats, donkeys. horses, cattle, chickens, and a rabbit, plus dogs, cats, a rat, and lizards.  The children enjoyed visiting the goats and the donkey.

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