Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 35 Our 2019/2020 School Year is Complete!

Last week we finished up the 2019/2020 school year!I wavered a little on whether or not we should keep going through the month of June because all of our activities are cancelled, but decided to go ahead and end the school year. I did tell the children I reserve the right to bring out some schoolwork if they are having trouble staying busy with productive things ;) so we will see how the month goes. 

During our last week of school we just finished up a few loose ends.  We completed Apologia Botany, and studied the country of Portugal.  We watched two Drive Thru History the Gospels Episodes.  Emmie completed 2 lessons in AAR Level 3.  She still has a few more lessons to finish level 3 that we will work on a little at at a time. She finished A Mouse Called Wolf in Lightning Lit.  Christian and Anthony completed the assignment on writing a research paper but because writing is so challenging for them we will need to revisit that topic again next year.  They finished Adam of the Road. We did not finish all of the lessons in their math levels, but covered all of the topics I wanted them to finish by the end of the year.  I'm still trying to figure out what I want them to use for math next year.

We had a LOT of rain leading into Memorial week-end.  A LOT!  But during the days that were dry we spent much of our time outside working with and caring for our animals and went for a walk at the park with Chelsea and the babies. 

We got some new hay feeders and these goats are so lazy they lay down to eat their hay!
 We were eating supper one night and this chicken stopped by to peek in the window.

 I never knew how social pigs were until we had more then one of them.  This is how they always sleep.
 Liam stood and looked at the puddle trying to decide whether to go through or around the puddle.  Going through won.

Our neighbors found this really big water turtle.

Lily was able to start her piano lessons in person again.  Much easier then by phone but we were thankful that her teacher was able to continue the lessons even when they were not able to be done in person.  Lily and Emmie have also started learning to play the chimes.  They learned to play God is so Good and will be recorded playing to play during our radio broadcast church service.  Our church is not yet meeting in person.

We left Thursday to do some camping.  The weather was perfect!  The rain stopped and the sun came out.  It was sunny and in the 80's so warm enough during the day to swim (though the water was freezing!)but not so hot that you can't stand to be outdoors, and cool enough in the evenings to enjoy a camp fire.  The water levels were up really high and the lake has a lot of sudden drop offs so I did require the children to wear life jackets to swim.  We did a lot of fishing, camp fire cooking, game playing, and the children did a lot of biking and swimming.  The walking trail was under water (truly the little foot bridge was completely under water) so we did not walk it this time. It was a very nice week-end.  The camper needs some minor repairs we noticed a leak right before we left and once we were home Art started taking things apart and found a crack in the pipe under the sink.  It will all be fixed before our next camping trip in July.

I hope you had a great week!  Happy Homeschooling!

1 comment:

Aflyonmyhomeschoolwall said...

Oooooh! You guys are so good at camping! I want to be good at it, too, but I'm such a chicken after our last experience. :) I love the pictures of Liam considering the puddle then going for it. My kids have recently begun wanting pigs. Technically we're allowed 2 small livestock in our yard . . . but again, I'm not up for it yet. I hope your kids stay happy and productive and that your church decides to skip the masks and gloves! I'm waiting for decisions about our church, too.