Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Our Week in Review (June 4th -10th)

This week was VBS at our church.  I was the science station leader, Nick was the recreation leader, and Alex was the puppet during assembly and a floater (working where-ever they needed him.)  Anthony was my assistant and Chelsea and Liam came 4 days.

At the science station we had 2 scheduled activities every day related to the Bible lesson or a specific theme.  Our Bible school was named Rolling River Rampage so there were several activities that were related to water.  I also brought a few extra activities because we had extra time to fill.  I was not as impressed with this year's activities as I was with last year, but we had fun and I hope that the children learned something.

Day one we did an activity where the children drew a landscape and we talked about which way water flowed.  We also did an activity using solar paper.  I had never used it before but it was really cool.  Day 2 we did the Bernoulli bag where one breath of air can fill the entire bag if you do it correctly and we made and raced boats.  Day 3 we erupted a lemon using baking soda and tried to find out what types of materials can be used to clean up oil.  Day 4 we made life jackets for a peeled orange to make it float and did some experiments with erosion.  I also did fireworks in a jar.  Day 5 we made a water filter out of a coffee filter, sand, and rocks to clean dirty water and figured out how many drops of water a penny could hold.  We also did the diet coke and mentos experiment which everyone loves.

Monday after VBS we had a 4 h Jam and Jelly workshop.  We made strawberry jam, blackberry jelly, and blueberry jam.  We were really tired that day!

On the second day of VBS I had a little boy pass out on me.  That was not an experience I care to have ever again!  He was ok thankfully and came back the rest of the week.

Thursday Nick and Alex went over to help our preacher and his wife move.  He is retiring.  We are very sad to see him go.

Lily had her piano lesson.  She is doing very well with the piano.  Her teacher has added other books to her lessons because she learns them pretty quickly.  One day she wanted to learn a new song so she started playing Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee and had it memorized before her lesson the next week.

By Friday we were pretty worn out so we decided to not go grocery shopping until Sunday after church.  It was nice to be home the rest of the day!

I hope you had a great week!

Happy Homeschooling!

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