Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Homeschool Wrap Up Week 6

Week 6 In Our Homeschool

P.E.: This week we did lessons 25-28 in Family Time Fitness.  You will be happy to know that the squat jumps were a little easier this week :)

Bible: We switched our Bible lesson this week and started on a review of Grapevine Studies Old Testament Creation to Jacob.  The first lesson is to make a timeline using stick figures.  I broke this up into 3 days and then reviewed the whole thing on the fourth day.  The children enjoyed making the figures, although they did tell me that my tree with the serpent in it looked more like an ostrich then a tree!

History: This week in The Mystery of History we completed lessons 10, 11, and 12 on The American Revolution Part 2, Mozart, and the French Revolution.  The boys completed their notebooking worksheets, timeline figures, memory cards, and a map of France.  There are so many awesome timeline figures included in the pack from Home School in the Woods, that I should've bought a bigger board.  I may need to carry it over to another one before we finish out the year.

Science: We finished reading Chapter 2 of Exploring Creation with Anatomy and Physiology and also the What Do You Remember? questions.

My Father's World Adventures: We completed Week 3 of the science and history portion of Adventures.  We were supposed to start reading Squanto Friend of the Pilgrims on Monday, but wouldn't you know it I could NOT find our copy!  I looked everywhere!I finally just ordered a copy from Amazon (thank you Prime shipping!) and we doubled up on Wednesday and Thursday and got caught up to where we are supposed to be.  We learned about the settlement at Jamestown and John Smith and Pocahontas this week.  In science we read 2 pages of Science With Air and did one simple experiment.  Still hoping the science will get a little better as we go on.

Art: We did not have an official art lesson, but we did use the clay we got from Grandview to make some clay pots.

Math: We completed lesson 5 out of Alpha, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and Algebra 1 this week.

Grammar/Literature: We completed Lesson 10 of Fix it! Grammar 1 and 2.  Nick is still reading Puddn'head Wilson and Alex is still working through his Progeny Press study guide on Stone Fox.

Writing: Lily, Christian, and Anthony did a lesson on Pocahontas from Brookdale House.

Reading/Spelling: Alex completed lesson 4 of Phonetic Zoo.  Christian and Anthony completed lessons 44 and 45 in AAR Level 2.  Lily completed lessons 7,8, and 9 in AAR Level One.

Language: Alex completed lesson one of Visual Latin.

Horizon's Preschool: Emmie had completed through lesson 28 of Horizon's Preschool.  She has learned though the letter "i", number 6, shapes and colors (those she really already knew) plus she is memorizing Bible verses (3 so far in 6 weeks.)  Her science topic this week was rocks.

Lily has been having a hard time telling apart "b" and "d." So we made some posters with the letter and some pictures that start with the letter to help her remember which is which.

This picture I took of our  afternoon work one day.  I was supposed to be working on reading with Anthony, but first got Emmie started on her worksheet and was also helping Alex with Latin all at the same time.  Life of the homeschool mama!

Other Activities This Week: It was a busy week!  Soccer is almost over.  Only one more regular season game and then the tournament and things should slow down a bit then.

Monday: Gymnastics for the girls and soccer for Christian.

Tuesday: Soccer for Nick and Alex.

Wednesday: Kid's Club.

Thursday: Soccer for Nick, Alex, and Christian.

Friday: Co-op at Grandview.  The children love the bows we made.  Christian had an idea that he would like to decorate his bow with some cammo duct tape, so I grabbed some when I ran into Walmart.  The bows look really cool!

Saturday: Catfish derby.  We ended up with 16 catfish.  Everyone caught at least one.  Christian caught both the smallest and the biggest catfish, so he won a fishing pole for the smallest catfish.  The other children all got a door prize.  This was the last derby until next spring.

I hope you had a great week in your homeschool!

1 comment:

Aflyonmyhomeschoolwall said...

Oh! I hate it when I can't find a book that I know we own!!!!! We forgot to cancel our Amazon Prime trial in time, so I've been enjoying the privileges for a couple of months now, and I'm hooked. It has saved me more than once this fall. :)

Looks like another good week for you all!!!