Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Chicken Coop is Finished

The chicks that we got back in April have grown all of their feathers so it is time to move them out of their box and into a chicken coop. My husband never ceases to amaze me. When he started building the chicken coop, I thought it was going to be like a little hutch. Instead Art designed a coop with a separate box for each chicken to roost in surrounded it with fencing for them to run in and covered it with more fencing so they can't fly out. The children were also a big help to Daddy. These chickens have some deluxe accommodations and when Art started to run out of materials, he filled in what he was missing with hard wood floor scraps that he found in the attic. Even a broken drill, the chigger incident (he will not let me write a blog about that), taking Alex to the ER ( 3 stitches in his lip) did not stop him from completing this project before we leave for the beach. Unfortunately something did manage to get to the chickens through the wire fencing and kill 3 so tonight we will have to work on that problem.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Lisa & Art,

So glad to see your family! I found this through Katie, since she sent her blog to me. Hope to keep up with your family-my how they have grown!
Mrs. O