Everyone has different reasons for homeschooling. Here is the beginning of my homeschooling adventure.
Chelsea started out in the public school system like most kids at age 5 1/2. I was miserable when she started school and couldn't wait every day for her to come home, but that was the way it was supposed to be right? We made it through the first year with a few minor incidents; the boy with behavioral problems whose "right" it was to be in a normal classroom that was physically and verbally abusive; the time when she wet her pants and was sent home that way because it was close to the end of the day;the time when she threw up and they left her sitting in it until I got there (good thing we only lived five minutes away.) We had a great summer and school began again. Again I was miserable. I really felt that every day I was missing out on a huge portion of Chelsea's life. The school year started out good. I had a few problems with some of their reading choices and speakers that came to their class, but there was nothing I could do about it. I never knew what was going on until it had already happened.
Halfway through the school year, tragedy struck our family. My brother was on vacation and was hit head on by a drunk driver and killed instantly. Chelsea came out of school for about two weeks, and I was eager for her to get back, to try to find some normalcy to life again. She seemed to be doing ok, and through the sea of my own grief, I was unable to see Chelsea's. My boys were too young to really understand what was going on. The summer came and we spent all of our time together. When the school year was again approaching, Chelsea started to become fearful of being away from me. She wanted to be with me all of the time. I spoke to school counselors who assured me that this was normal and that she would be fine. The first week of school was horrible. I really wanted something to change but I didn't know what the right thing was to do. I decided to start doing some research on Homeschooling. I had a dear friend (thanks Janet) who had homeschooled for years and gave me lots of literature and advice and I began reading everything I could.
This was the worst school year yet. Our school graded on three things: Math, Reading and Deportment (behavior) Chelsea was getting A's in Math and Reading, and C's in deportment. The teacher told me she was bored. She would talk in class, interrupt others when they were trying to work, answer questions without raising her hand, read books while the teacher was reading, etc.. She got in trouble for telling the teacher that the book she was reading aloud was something she was not aloud to read. She would come home from school and I would ask her how her day was. Every day she answered the same thing "Good." Then I would ask what she did "Lots of stuff" I wanted my daughter back. I became convicted that I needed to bring her home. How to convince my husband? Not to worry, God took care of that for me. He provided an situation for Art to read one of the books Janet gave me, and Art came home one day and told me we needed to start homeschooling.
This was the best decision of my life. I love homeschooling and having my kids home with me. I love the freedom of being able to teach my children through their strengths and interests. I love seeing what they accomplish every day and the ability to choose what they learn. We have had our challenges and our ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am just a regular mom, I am not brilliant or super patient, but with God on my side I can accomplish anything. My conviction comes from God and I know that I am doing what He wants me to do.
My favorite Homeschooling Scriptures:
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart;
you shall teach them diligently to your children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
Deuteronomy 6-7