Schoolhouse Crew Review: Science Shepherd
Science Shepherd Science Curriculum was developed by a homeschool dad with a Bachelors of Science degree when he saw the need for high quality homeschool science curriculum. They offer 3 different courses that come from a Biblical perspective: Biology, Life Science, and Introductory Science. Over the last several weeks I have had an opportunity to use and review Introductory Science from Science Shepherd.
Introductory Science is suggested for children ages 6-11. It includes both online streaming videos and a workbook. Workbook Level A is for 6-8 year olds and Level B is for 9-11 year olds. The Level B workbook has the same content as Level A plus additional content for older students. The program is set up to be used 5 days a week for 35 weeks but you can adjust this schedule as needed for your family. You have 12 months access to the streaming videos. Topics covered include:
Science Skills and Tools
Under Water Creatures
Flying Creatures
Land Creatures
Human Beings
Ecology and Natural Resources
Each day's lesson includes a short 3-5 minutes video, followed by a workbook page. There are also hands on activities that use simple supplies that you probably already have around the house.
Sample Video
Scope and Sequence
Sample Workbook
I have been using Introductory Science with my 7 year old, 1st grade daughter. In our homeschool we have a wide range of ages. For science I usually have the younger children tagging along with the older children because I just don't have the time to do a separate curriculum for the younger children. But sometimes that is just not as much fun for the younger children. I was very excited to have an opportunity to review this with Lily.
Each day's video lesson is very short. We have VERY slow internet (it's supposed to be high speed, but I live so far out it is barely faster then dial up but it's all we have!) We usually can stream videos ok as long as nobody else in the house is using the internet. These videos did take a little while to load, but I just had to log in start the video, pause it for a few minutes so it could load all the way and then was able to play the videos.
I was thrilled that Introductory Science is Creation based and begins with the creation of the world and the fact that God's Word is true and from that everything else can be understood, even science. Creation is something that we have gone over many times, but we went ahead and started with those videos. We have worked on Introductory Science 4 days a week for the last several weeks (I doubled up every Thursday because we only have a 4 day school week) and have made it into Meteorology.

The video lessons were interesting and to the point. The course covers a variety of science topics. I chose the Level A workbook for Lily. I love that it was spiral bound and could lay flat on the desk. The workbook activities were a great review of what was covered. I did have to read the workbook questions to Lily because the reading level was higher then 1st grade, but her comprehension of what was taught and ability to answer was perfect for her age. There was a good variety of questions , activities, and spaces for drawing. One of the pages had a word search and she was so glad she could do it herself!
She especially loved the hands on activities. Some of the things we did included making pictures of the days of creation, doing a classification activity, a 5 senses activity, pine cone bird feeder, and weather observation. The activity videos were some of Lily's favorite to watch.
Introductory Science is a great, quality, Christian science course that can easily be fit into a busy homeschool mom's schedule and it's fun for the children too. Members of The Crew reviewed Introductory Science, Life Science, and Biology. To see what my Crew Mates had to say, stop by the Crew Blog!
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