This week's Blog Cruise topic is How is Your Homeschool Organized? Hmmm...I had to think about that for a few minutes. Right now, with our Schoolroom still under construction, I don't feel very organized. All of our books and supplies are scattered in various places I could find room for them throughout the house. Our schoolbooks that we use every day are kept on a small table in our dining room. I use my Homeschool Planner form TOS to write out weekly lesson plans so I can gather any additional books or supplies we need for the week and put them in the dining room on Sunday or early Monday morning. If there is something special I need to purchase for a project, I put it on our shopping list the Friday before. Each child has their own notebook or in some cases notebooks to keep all of their schoolwork organized. When we finish working on something, they punch holes and put it in their notebook. The hole punch and stapler are also kept on the china cabinet in the dining room. Each of the children also have their own school box with a pen, pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, scissors, glue, and glue sticks. Other Art Supplies are stored in easy reach in a drawer in the kitchen.
This is the first year I have written out lesson plans (I know some homeschoolers out there may be shocked by that.) I laminated a weekly planner sheet and write out daily plans for each subject. This only takes a few minutes out of my day and helps keep us all on track. Chelsea really likes having her plans written. That way she can work ahead if she wants to.
We also have a large wall calendar in the kitchen that we keep track of all of our activities on. I fill it in as soon as I know about an activity and keep the calendar on the wall where everyone can see it. If we have something in the afternoon, we plan all our work for the morning, and vice versa. It also keeps me on track so we don't plan too many things for one day and I can plan our menu according to our activities.
I get more organized as I get more experienced. It sounds like you have a good system.
I wanted to let you know you've been tagged in my blog post today.
Great post!!
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