Bible: We finished up the Old Testament in the 10 Minute Bible Journey.
Read Aloud: We read 3 chapters in the biography on Laura Ingalls Wilder. We started the Last Battle and read 3 chapters in DragonKnight.
History: We started working on a review called Pathway to Liberty. This is very different from what I am used to and it's a but of a learning curve. They also watched an episode of Drive Thru History.
Science: We started a review of Techie Homeschool Mom's Famous Inventors. This week's lesson was on Archimedes.
Poetry: We worked on The Happy Farmer.
Individual School (2-7th)
Emmie completed 3 lessons in Dimensions Math. She finished the unit on colonization from Homeschool Complete and completed one lesson in AAR Level 2.
Lily completed 3 lessons in MLFLE and read chapter 9 of Little House in the Big Woods.
Christian and Anthony completed 3 lessons in Rod and Staff Math and step 15 in AAS Level 6.
Other Activities this Week
Monday we worked a little bit on updating our SeaPerch for the International Competition. The girls had their last gymnastics class for this year. Then it was time for our 4 H County Talks, Talents, and Fashion Review competition.
Lily played Fur Elise and won 1st place for Junior Instrumental.
Alex played a song ( I can't remember the name of it) on the guitar that he built and won 1st place Senior Instrumental.
Emmie competed in Cloverbud Fashion Review Purchased Casual and won 1st place.
Anthony did an Innovative Technology Talk on Drones and won Junior 2nd place.
Christian did an Innovative Technology StopMotion Talk and won Junior 1st place.
Nick did not participate because he was at a soccer game in Arkadelphia (they lost)
Tuesday we decided to take the day off and go play at Mid America. We hadn't been since last summer and the children had been asking for awhile when we could go again. It was a fun day! The dinosaurs noises did scare the baby but he was better as soon as he was away from them.
That night I took Anthony. Alex, and Nick to the Farm Bureau Board Meeting with our Ag Agent. They talked about the SeaPerch competition and the money that we needed to raise to go to Internationals and they gave us a very generous donation to help pay the teams expenses.
Wednesday we had Kid's Club and Children's Choir.
Thursday was dance, trap practice, and soccer was at home. We went to the game along with Chelsea and Liam. Nick did not get to play (he is one of the goalies #1, not the starter) and we lost 1-0.
Friday Art and I headed to Hot Springs for the week-end. We had not been away overnight in more then 5 years. Chelsea came and stayed at the house with the children and drove them the places they needed to go (music lessons and trap shoot.)
The first place we went was Garvan Gardens. We had never been and I wanted to go for a long time. Not everything was blooming yet, but it was beautiful. We bought a family pass and I hope to take the children soon.
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Inside the cave |
We went out to eat and to the movies.
Saturday we wandered through downtown Historic Hot Springs for awhile, even though it was cold and rainy. We went to the Wax Museum and did a bit of shopping.
Sunday we did a big, big, shopping trip to Sams Club. I spent a small fortune but hopefully won't need too much from the grocery store for awhile.
I came home to a little princess with a sore throat, but I think it is just allergies. Everything else is back to normal.
I hope you had a great week!
Happy Homeschooling!